
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. AquaScape

    Black Friday/ Cyber Monday sale!!!!!

    Hey everyone! Since we're all in the Holiday spirit from Thanksgiving, now awaiting Christmas to come and given we have Black Friday today and Cyber Monday on the 27th we figured we'd do something that would give everyone something to cheer about this weekend, for orders placed today through...
  2. C

    Amonia won’t go lower than 0,25

    Hey everyone! I’m new here but i’ve been reading the threads on this forum for a while. So I think I may have overstocked the aquarium in my excitement for having finally had it set up and now the amonia won’t go under 0.25 ppm. I did a fishless cycle with seeded media from my LFS that lasted...
  3. C


    I was wondering if anyone had any experience with salvini cichlids. Theres not a lot online. Ive heard that they are agressive and was wondering if its true and what would be suitable tankmates
  4. M

    Hello from Alabama!

    Hey guys! Trying to get back into my hobby now that I work from home. Trying to find another 250+ gallon tank for reasonable price. I have a spot in my heart for cichlids. <3 Anyone near Northeast Alabama wanna chat about fish, give me a holler!
  5. J

    Help silver arowana seriously injured

    My juvinile arowanas tail has been completely bitten off anal and dorsal fins nipped and damage to scales aswell had him since saturday been completely fine til i woke up this morning and found him like this what do i do, hes around 4-5" in a tank with a 2" jack dempsey, a 2" electric blue...
  6. K

    I need to know what these fish are worth to pay someone.

    I was given 15 Bumble bee Cichlids from an old classmate who's husband recently passed. it was his hobby. I already have a flower horn in a tank above this one so I had not stocked this tank yet and said why not.. I want to know what these fish are worth. I would like to pay her for them...
  7. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    What's the biggest jewel cichlid (guttatus) ever?

    Wondering what was the biggest jewel cichlid (guttatus) someone has owned post pics if you can share some monsters
  8. Narwhal

    The History of Lake Victoria

    I made this video about the History Surrounding Lake Victoria, and its ecological collapse. Has some footage of my fish as well. I hope you enjoy, and if you note some inaccuracies, please let me know
  9. Mbielek

    Need advice on new 65 gallon setup!!

    Hello, so ive recently purchased a 65 gallon tall. Its been running for about 4 days. New filter on it, but right away i put a filter pad from an established tank that i have running. I also added a bacteria supplement to the water. Plan to move the entire existing filter to this tank when its...
  10. TheMoneyTank(TMT)


    About a week ago I brought a group of ornatum cichlids between 3-4 inches they are surprisingly not as aggressive as I thought and i have a pair who are always together here are some pics
  11. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    What cichlids are these

    Seen these cichlids approx 9inches can anyone tell me what they are
  12. J

    Stocking 150 gallon

    Okay so I'm in looking for a 150 to 200 gallon tank to start up a American cichlid tank just want some help on stocking, Here are some of the fish I am interested in putting in there and I'm just wondering if it could work?? I'm new to all of the American cichlids currently I have a 75 gallon...
  13. rucus

    Help with ID

    Hey guys, just getting back into the hobby after a break due to a tank busting in my living room, but that's a thread for another day. I picked this guy up at a local fish store. They told me it was red tail borleyi but I'm having my doubts. He's about 2 inches long and has good color showing...
  14. F

    Stocking a 150g (5x2x2)

    Hi guys, I currently have a 55g but I am looking to get a new 150g 5x2x2, looking to stock American cichlids so any stocking ideas are appreciated, thanks in advance
  15. headlessblade

    Super kok red dragon flowerhorn breeding

    kok male and female flowerhorn cichlid
  16. Cichlids621

    120 Dither fish

    Currently I have a Red terror(female) and a Greenterror which I will be moving to a 120 gallon and I was wondering if I can put some dither fish to help control the aggression. If I am able to put dither fish which fish should I get. Both of my cichlids are around 6 inches.
  17. headlessblade

    Red Texas x super red dragon

    They stopped fighting and started to prepare the tank for breeding :) . Red Texas x super red dragon flowerhorn Cichlids
  18. Cichlomaniac

    Wanting a true Piscivore

    All, is there a fish I can buy that is a true piscivor that will not get over 4 inches +/- an inch is fine also it needs to get along with my current cichlids. 1. Jack 1. Salvini 2. Convicts, (breeding pair) The reason in want it is for clean up of baby convicts. I have a EHEIM vacuum filter I...
  19. mattybecks

    Livingstonii or compressips ?

    Hi guys, title pretty much says it. I have a school of 6 livingstonii and 7 compressips. As they get larger I would like to keep either one or the other type and breed them. Both are spawning now. But I think the tank will be to small in the long run for everyone. Who would you choose? I...
  20. Sarahrah89

    Separating A Mated Pair of Idiots

    I've had a blood parrot cichlid named Sissypants for 8 years. About 5 years I got another BP named Igor. They are now a mated pair (although not fertile). However Igor is a dick. He grew huge and ugly and is a complete bully in my tank. He bullies the other BP and my giant Polyepterus...