
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. TitanRedMammon

    The Real Red Mammon from HBF(Happy Breeding Farm), Taiwan

    Hi, all. I'm New member of MFK. Nice to meet you all ! Here are my favorites, happy to share~
  2. E

    WTB Green Phantom Pleco

    i got back from vacation and found my longtime pleco dead and am looking for a green phantom pleco to replace him. I’m located in Robbinsville NJ (08691). Please let me know what you have and how much you’re looking for. Looking to spend $40-$70.
  3. RocketGarStar

    Show off your Geophagus Cichlids!

    I want to see how many different kinds there are - I'll post mine, too!
  4. K

    Trimac Cichlids from Rio Naranjo

    I have a beautiful female Trimac brought from COTA. She'a an F1 from Rio Naranja. She doesn't have the classic Trimac spot, If i put her with a male also from rio Naranja thats also doesn't have the classic Trimac spots will the fry also have no spots or will some of them have spots? Would like...
  5. Ari7667

    Lighting for a 450 gallon tank?

    My family and I have a 450 gallon 24" depth, 8' long, and 42" tall acrylic tank on the way. We are trying to get all the supplies before it gets here. Problem is we do not know much about fish tanks. My question is what kind of lighting would work with this tank. I saw a video of a guy who had...
  6. AquaScape

    Follow Us!

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know we'll be doing some special promotions only available on our Instagram and Snapchat, along with Holiday deals! Just follow us and wait for some savings! Instagram: Aquascapeonline_ Snapchat: Aquascapeonline
  7. L

    Help with Cichlid Types

    Hey everybody, I'm sure all Cichlid owners have the odd fish they wish they knew the type of! Please post good pictures of known and unknown Cichlid breeds and let's see if we can all help each other out!
  8. Ankit Naidu

    Cichla ID please! Urgent!

  9. Sarah J

    Marineland Aquarium Bacteria and 5 fish cycling

    Hello! Ok I just set up a new 125g tank this evening. I have a Fluval FX4 on it, two submersible heaters, a circulation fan and air pump. Not really important, just saying. Clearly not a cycled tank. Here's my question, I have 2 Blue Acara's and 2 EB Jack Dempseys coming in Wednesday. According...
  10. The Dave

    An amazing video about the Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher)

    The Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher) is probably the easiest cichlid to maintain and breed. In fact, due to their small size ( 3-4 inches / 7.6 - 10 cm ), hardy, adaptable nature, and ease of breeding, this fish is probably the ideal cichlid for anyone that is taking their first steps into...
  11. H

    Convict cichlids male to female ratio

    Bought three convicts today and realised they weren’t all male, one is female. I haven’t really seen any fighting yet but should I purchase more females to prevent them from harassing the individual female and the males fighting each other?
  12. Jacob._.merc

    Delhezi with africans

    Would a small delhezi (4.1 inches) be able to cope with 2 mbunas and 2 peacocks? They're each about 3 1/2 to 5 inches.
  13. Capt_Rick_Dixie

    FH Progress

    Thought I'd share a few cheeky shots of my Super Red Dragon (or so it was sold to me as). I also attached a pic from a few months ago when I first brought him home. He's about 5" give or take some now.
  14. Norrell Williams

    Need help with salvini cichlids

    i just got in my 3 salvini cichlids yesterday and I'm having a really tough time sexing them. I'm thinking i have 2 males and 1 female i was hoping 1 male 2 females, but anyways they haven't really colored up yet i guess from stress from traveling so i didn't snap any pics yet i may take some...
  15. Kiryoku

    Which Family/Breed Is My Flowerhorn?

    Which Family/Breed Is My Flowerhorn?
  16. GoldFinger

    Are my cichlids seriously breeding?

    Hey Guys/Gals, I recently added a male 9” Blue Texas Cichlid to my 305 gallon community tank. Immediately he started chasing everyone and then focused the next few days just on my female 5” Jack Dempsey. I have never seen her with such dark brilliant colour and she seems more at ease with him...
  17. AquaScape

    Current Stock-list! 12/22/17

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” $8.oo ea. Or 10/$70.oo 3" $30.oo ea. 4”-5” $40.oo ea. Or 4/$140.oo 5"-6" $75.oo ea. Caribe(Pygocentrus notatus) 5”-6”...
  18. Jacob._.merc

    Malawi eyebiter with other cichlids

    I am looking to get another eyebiter for my 40 gallon aquarium. I had one before but she died unexpectedly. I have residence already in the tank and I have another wit a really mean cobalt zebra. The fish are - 1 dragon blood peacock 5 inches - 1 blue peacock 3 inches - 1 mbuna (not sure what...
  19. Addi_13


    Hello guys, Guys I have a Jaguar cichlids which is about 5” - 6” in a 300 Gallon. Please can you help me identify it’s sex as it’s growing up and I want to know if it’s male as they get very aggressive towards other fishes. Regards, Additya
  20. Mugsyc

    Help dovii

    Need help to i.d male and female dovii going to get some today . Thier only about 2 inches so anything that could help me thanks