12 Volt Man's Aqueon 150 Gallon Startup Thread

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hm, are they very slow compared to the barbs or just slightly?

Something that I found odd, this is the first flagtail I have kept and he is slower than silver sharks or barbs to his food. He eats plenty of things but isn't as bothered about rushing it down, which is lucky as I've made sure he as no competition as he lives with loaches and catfish.
my old chalceus would be quick to grab a floating pellet, but then slow to chew it up.

by the time he had finished one, the rest of the food will all be gone..

and yes, my old flagtail was slow to eat too. he used to eat shrimp pellets off the bottom as they softened, so yeah, they take their time lol