1st time sump opinions needed

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
On the contrary...you want to size your overflow box bigger than your pump intended. The closer you get to the max flow, the greater the risk of potential problems.

That said, the Eshopps HOBs work very well. I've used them in the past and have friends that use them to this day. I've never seen a single issue in all cases.

thx shookONES shookONES
can you explain why having the overflow closely matching the pump creates issues ?

what size pump would you use for a 800 gph overflow box ?

Jaws, based on my own experience I found my overflow box (actually the teethe) to be the limited factor in flow. I had since addressed that, but wanted to highlight what shookONES noted.

Also, my suggestion is consider DC pumps as you another method to control the flow rather than just with valves. You can always turn the pump down to match your overflow and drain pipe capacity.

DN328 Can you recommend a dc pump I did a quick search and these things were expensive as heck

I was gonna go with this one. didnt' realize it says it has 6 speeds. Would this suffice ?

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I have a 1400 gph overflow and after head loss I have almost 1400 and my overflow box works fine. Only thing I notice is when it's time to clean the tubes you dt water hight goes up about a quarter inch and does not skim the water anymore. In my experience keeping the flow rate closer to the maximum helps to pull the air bubbles threw the tube rather then have then get stuck at the top of the u tube. I have watched it pull bubbles threw as I stuck an air stone close to the overflow box to try to mimic a failure

I recommend looking at a deepwater aquatics dc pump. No jebao as they have a worse failure rate then deepwater aquatis
Let's say your box is rated at 1000GPH max and you've got 950-1000GPH going through it...What happens when a snail shell, or piece of shrimp gets caught on your strainer? Its a recipe for disaster IMO. I'd personally get an overflow box rated 10-20% larger than your intended flow. And I'd only use Eshopps as far as HOB goes.

What sort of tank/sump combo are you looking to use?
Its for a 75 gal. Im a sump newbie so figured this would be a good practice run for a future tank set up. The tank is already filtered so i run the hobs in conjunction with the new sump while im messing with it
The sump will be made from a 30 gal.

Was thinking of the eshopps 800 (800 gph) or the cpr brand. Trying to figure out a pump now.

Pmin you regarding the poly

Let's say your box is rated at 1000GPH max and you've got 950-1000GPH going through it...What happens when a snail shell, or piece of shrimp gets caught on your strainer? Its a recipe for disaster IMO. I'd personally get an overflow box rated 10-20% larger than your intended flow. And I'd only use Eshopps as far as HOB goes.

What sort of tank/sump combo are you looking to use?
thx shookONES shookONES
DN328 Can you recommend a dc pump I did a quick search and these things were expensive as heck

I was gonna go with this one. didnt' realize it says it has 6 speeds. Would this suffice ?


I've personally not used the Jebao DC pumps, but I know many, many folks use them as they are a relatively inexpensive DC pump. With all things widely used, you get both a varying degree of feedback. Based on my what I've read, I would say more positive than negative.

I use the Waveline pumps. If you decide on that, make sure it's the second generation as they worked out some issues that plagued the controller on the first generation. I really have no complaints. It's not the least expensive, but not the most either.

Having said that, if I were you and was constrained, I'd try out the Jebao. Having used DC pumps, I don't think I'd go back to anything else.

For a 75gallon FW, I personally don't think you need 10x the turnover. So I think the eshopp you're looking into should be fine with 800gph max. I'd look into the next model up Jebao - it's barely making that on paper, so you want to higher rated model so that you don't run full throttle either.
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I'm a fan of jebao pumps. You might want to look at the DCT pumps that are sold by jecod, they are the same thing just the newer model. I'm not sure it's actually any better than the normal DC pumps, so I would go with whatever is cheaper.
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Thanks guys so another dumb question but with the dc pumps how do you throttle them back ? Setting that are on the controller ?
With any centrifugal pump, using a valve is fine to throttle it back, as long as its on the outflow.
Or you can run a pump full force by teeing off an extra line running one line, not only to the tank, but another back to your sump, leading to a fluidized bed, protein skimmer or just to provide extra oxygenation and/or movement.
This is one of the beauties of using a sump, your options are endless.
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Thanks duanes I'm pretty much sold on sumps vs cans at this point just wish I had more time to get this done.
Thanks guys so another dumb question but with the dc pumps how do you throttle them back ? Setting that are on the controller ?

Yes, the controller is used to control the flow. It also has temp off in case you need to while feeding. I feel return pumps is a key equipment so choose wisely but dont over think.
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