300 gallon tank - the project begins!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I finished most of the plumbing under the tank. I just came up short a couple of pieces of 1 1/2" pvc and a couple of 90's. I'll finish it up tonight. I also received the biomedia for my sump and got that in. I am using 280 nylon scrubbies and five gallons of bio balls. I may add a few more bioballs.




I also took a few minutes to enjoy the "little" tank. :D

Thanks for the update! Love the big gourami please tell me he's going in the monster tank. I can't wait to get a monster gourami for mine.
Thanks! The Giant Gourami is supposed to be adopted by another mfk member on Thursday so he won't be in either tank.
Thanks! I got a few more things done this evening. I picked up another $30 worth of pvc and fittings, I picked up 250 pounds of pool filter sand, and two bristlenose pleco's.

I was able to finish up the plumbing under the tank as well. Tomorrow I start inside the overflows then start on the undersand jet system. :)


Getting closer, just finished one of the standpipes and getting ready to start the next one. Only problem is that somehow I came up short one threaded to slip on adapter. Looks like I am making another trip to Lowes.


I finished the undersand jet system up last night. Now I'm trying to figure out if I am going to paint it, put sand on it, or just leave it the way it is. :)

You have done lots of work, it looks great. By the time you put fish in their 7/8 of the battle will be done.

You will be looking for a new project.

Wish you lived closer to Texas, on my new bigger tank, I think I would hire you!
Time for another update.

First thing, check it out, more scrubbies!!!!!!

Next I did a little painting.



Then I put a little sand in.

Then I put some more sand in.

Then I put some water in.


So far so good.
Looks great so far!

Im quite new to larger tanks and am wondering whats the purpose of "under sand jets"? Never herd of them. What do they do?