4300 Gallon Plywood Build (3600+ Take 2)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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I can't do a dedicated line like you have due to the distance, so I have to use the cold water line to return water to the hot water heater as in the diagram. It works basically the same as yours though. Just a couple more hoops to jump through. The ready temp system included the pump, one way valve, and solenoid to keep hot water from backflowing and/or siphoning the cold water line. It's a good system and serves dual-purpose to accelerate hot water to the places it is needed most in addition to the heating system for the big tank. I'll order the jehmco thermostat and maybe a solenoid valve from Aquatic Ecosystems when we're closer to being done. It's going to be easy to accomplish what I want with it and with less parts than I had first thought. Thanks for your help Jonathan. Looking forward to seeing you at OCA Extravaganza. Might be at ACA. Not sure yet. Going to ask the gf if she wants to go with me.
I work with some city inspectors, they can be tricky people about finding out stuff. Sorry to here. Wonder what kind of permitting they will make you do, maybe a variance of some sort.
How did they even know about it? You did not add an addition on or, technically, permanently modify the structure of the house. So why do they even care? That sucks! Hope you can work it out.
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