I managed to send myself to the emergency room yesterday. Broke the 1/2" x 48"x18" glass I had covering a couple 55 gallon drums in the garage with the door. I reached out to try to stop it from getting broken when the door picked up the glass, but wasn't quick enough. The glass slammed down on the top of the drums, broke, and grabbed my right index finger leaving a nasty 1/2" deep angled gash. When I took the paper towel and ice off in triage an hour later it was still pouring blood, so that should give you an idea of how bad. 7 stitches and $100 copay later along with a tetanus shot, I'm a bit sore. Of course, it's on my right hand and they stuck me in my right arm. Uggh, f'n delays. The stupid part is that the little voice that says don't do that wasn't so little and I still ignored it.