4300 Gallon Plywood Build (3600+ Take 2)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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nolapete;4342214; said:

you know you're gonna have to post a pic of you swimmign in the tank once it's done right? it's a requirment for a tank this sized lol.
Gf will be out of town Wednesday through Sunday for work. Only one or two things on my list involve her turtles, so other than feeding them and the tortoises, I'm working on my stuff while she's gone this time.

Wednesday until dark:30 I'll be working on the pond then heading inside to finally paint the band around the entire inside of the tank from the bottom of the acrylic to the 32" mark.

Thursday depending on how I feel when I get back from the dentist, I'll be back to work on the pond and doing maintenance on all the tanks/55 gallon drums/180 pond.

Friday until dark:30 it'll be work on the pond then some other things I need to get done.

Saturday is working on the pond and yard and garage.

Sunday will be water testing the big tank yet again. If it leaks, I'll be drying it out and coating every inch below 32" mark that hasn't been coated yet.

I'm determined to not just stop the leak, but find out where it's coming from. Sounds stubborn I know, but I want to have the confidence that I fixed it.

Sometime during the week, I need to get the 4 wheeler running so I can sell it.
Pete you’re a bit like me in that sometimes I find it hard to finish a project I have put a lot of effort into, and like yourself I usually have more than one project going at a time.
The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in getting the project done is fantastic so good luck with finishing the monster.
Wow, sounds like some seriously busy days ahead for you! Pics if you get the chance.

Is there any chance this could be condensation from the new cold water going in the tank that is just puddling up? Its hard to believe it is leaking with all those coats of rubber you have done.

After typing that, I think my condensation idea is bogus.... Your front windows would probably fog up too until the water warmed up if this was the case.

Anyway, I guess I was just hoping for an easy solution for you.

Good luck and don't get discouraged.
i read the first page and the last 10 , and was wondering what did you use to adhere that acrylic to the tank? i plan on doing a much smaller build , and have had trouble finding a good glue for acrylic, and figured if you trust what you used on a sheet that big then i should have no problems.
rooski;4346191; said:
i read the first page and the last 10 , and was wondering what did you use to adhere that acrylic to the tank? i plan on doing a much smaller build , and have had trouble finding a good glue for acrylic, and figured if you trust what you used on a sheet that big then i should have no problems.

First off if you are going to do this i would think you would want to read more than the 1st page and the last 10.
But the answer to your question is Dow 795. the first suggestion to this is on page (5)...Good luck with your build and take pictures and post along the way.
nolapete;4346157; said:
It's not condensation and the window doesn't fog up with filling. It started leaking between 27" and 30" so it's either a leak at that level or that amount of pressure increase opened a leak lower down.

If the leak were more prominent, I'd say you could use food coloring to find it, but its so slow it probably wouldn't show up. Hopefully its just a pinhole leak, and not a pressure leak, because the pinhole would be a lot easier to fix.
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