4300 Gallon Plywood Build (3600+ Take 2)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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I think with this all I'll need is a thermostat for the tank and a normally closed solenoid valve to open to make it like the faucet was turned on. It'll go on the hot and cold lines for the washing machine. I'll run insulated tubing to and from the settling tanks then connect the pex to that. The pex will run inside each of the settling tanks.
Wondering if CPVC would be the correct thing to use for the insulated part.

CPVC is normally only required for plumping hot water. I use it for hot and cold, just to keep it simple. There is no reason you couldn't use PEX for the hole project. If thermal loss is a concern the round foam pipe insulation works good. CPVC and PVC are better insulators than copper but still don't don't prevent thermal loss very well.
I was thinking CPVC with the round foam to and from the supply then just connect the PEX at the settling barrels where it will be installed. I'd like to keep heat loss to a minimum. PEX is $25 or so per 50 ft. CPVC is way less and has a higher burst PSI and temp than PEX too. I think the rigid CPVC would be better suited to avoiding accidental damage too.
Sounds like that should work good. If for some reason you had to use PEX in place of CPVC there is a grade that is tougher than CPVC. You are supposed to be able to freeze it solid and not have it split.
In my experience cpvc'c rigidity causes it to be more likely to suffer accidental damage becuase it is more brittle than pex. Ive accidentally hit pex with a hammer and nothing happens but if that happened with cpvc it would crack. Just something to think of if the plumbing is going to be disturbed while cleaning your setup. Also pex can be found for muc less at a plumbing supply house.
In my experience cpvc'c rigidity causes it to be more likely to suffer accidental damage becuase it is more brittle than pex. Ive accidentally hit pex with a hammer and nothing happens but if that happened with cpvc it would crack. Just something to think of if the plumbing is going to be disturbed while cleaning your setup. Also pex can be found for muc less at a plumbing supply house.

+1 on that
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