Aquascape piranha stock, pics

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Mac-100;3418203; said:
see there's a smart man getting a nice shoal of caribes... but that must've been expensive as hell. What size are they? Where they from.. AS?

What size your diamonds? Tell me about the Black Diamond because I'm getting a 6-7" soon.

the caribes and piraya I got from shark aquarium, cheaper than AS.
only the blue diamond is from AS. the black diamond is 11.5", eat like a machine.
search my ID in the media section, search all the threads started by me and you'll find all the pics and videos of my fish.
Now thats some cool stuff. How many tanks you got? I gotta get me a group of caribes sometime in the near future. Best Pygos. Although that Piraya looks boss of the tank.

So the black diamond doesnt eat those small fish with it?
Mac-100;3418282; said:
Now thats some cool stuff. How many tanks you got? I gotta get me a group of caribes sometime in the near future. Best Pygos. Although that Piraya looks boss of the tank.

So the black diamond doesnt eat those small fish with it?

I only have 4 tanks, one 10g (hospital tank, gift from my wife) one 75g and two 180g, one standard size and one square.

caribes are bad @ss, should def. get some. as for the black diamond, it only chase that one convict...not interested in other fish..maybe he think of it just as a game. need some exercise you know. :)
caribemob;3412220; said:
i don't jack thats the scary part i have them every where and another one would be crazy, however i cant wait to a iritans comes through i'm on it:popcorn:

me too. that would probably be the next serra I bought if one came through. You could keep an irritans in a 40 or 55 for life.
I just put it in the tank an hour ago, its still drugged and a little angry. I'll take some pics soon.
cool, any pics of your other collections?