I only wish.
I've owned super reds but do not have any now. The best one was 26" but died when I had the oil heater fire in 2000 (from the smoke). After that I had 2 others but they each only lived a little more than 5 years. Sometimes no matter what you do for the fish they don't always live a long life.
I also owned 2 golden aros that were GIVEN to my by a friend and they had a 20 year life span with the 2 of us combined.
I do have 2 red tail golden aros the oldest I've owned 11+ years and can be seen in one of my youtube videos under arapaimagg being caught and measured at 28 1/2" this year.
I have also a green that I've owned since 2001. Its 26" long.
Have you got a super red?