Building My 50,000 Gallon Monster Mega Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
More pictures. Each of the three Alpha one filters comes with a separate blower pump to agitate the beads so in effect each filter has 2 pumps. The agitator pump is 1 1/2 horsepower.



I bought the LH (Low head) models which can take a lot less horsepower water pumps. I replaced the 230 volt 2 and 3 horsepower pumps with 3 one third horsepower 115 volt pumps. I now have 2 Sequence model 8250 pumps and one wunderflo 1/3rd hp pump. I added the Wunderflo because it has a filter basket which I need for the 15,000. The 6 blue bag filters prefilter the bigger tank so no filter basket pump is needed there.

This is the Wunderflo pump


Truly Commend you on this. Fantastic ideas and plans. well done.

I notice you have a

- Brachyplatystoma Filametosum - How big is this??

- Mystus Wyckii - How big is it?? What tank is it in and What is the Temprament with other fish?

- Panaque Suttoni - How big is it??

- Tilapia Buttekofferi - They very big??

- Any nice Festae's??

- Paulicea Lutkeni - Isa that very big??

- Pseudoplatystoma Fasciatum - Knowing you this must be bit of a monster?? What they liek when there big??

- Sorubimichthys planiceps - Ever had a big one of these??

- i noticed a lack of Channa Species - Any reason??

- i see you have Wallago Leeri, What about Wallago Attu??

Sorry for all the questions but i am just amazed at this whole set up and you have practically all my fave fish and wish list. Be as in depth as you like, because i will appreciate it all and be very grateful!!

Again Thanks for sharing you set ups. :)
The first pic is of the Wunderflo hooked up.

The second picture is of the Sequence pump. It is a lot smaller than the Wunderflo because it does not have a filter basket.

Both pumps use very little electricity and are very quiet.

arapaimag;4515651; said:
I only wish.

I've owned super reds but do not have any now. The best one was 26" but died when I had the oil heater fire in 2000 (from the smoke). After that I had 2 others but they each only lived a little more than 5 years. Sometimes no matter what you do for the fish they don't always live a long life.

I also owned 2 golden aros that were GIVEN to my by a friend and they had a 20 year life span with the 2 of us combined.

I do have 2 red tail golden aros the oldest I've owned 11+ years and can be seen in one of my youtube videos under arapaimagg being caught and measured at 28 1/2" this year.

I have also a green that I've owned since 2001. Its 26" long.

Have you got a super red?
No im in the US the new setup looks boss for sure.
When we hooked up the new system to the ionizers we experienced slight leaking problems on the barbed connectors so after a few wasted hours of trying to get them hooked up without leaking I decided to remove the ionizers from the system.

I have three empty 600lb sand filters if anybody wants them.....

Truly Commend you on this. Fantastic ideas and plans. well done.

I notice you have a

- Brachyplatystoma Filametosum - How big is this??

- Mystus Wyckii - How big is it?? What tank is it in and What is the Temprament with other fish?

- Panaque Suttoni - How big is it??

- Tilapia Buttekofferi - They very big??

- Any nice Festae's??

- Paulicea Lutkeni - Isa that very big??

- Pseudoplatystoma Fasciatum - Knowing you this must be bit of a monster?? What they liek when there big??

- Sorubimichthys planiceps - Ever had a big one of these??

- i noticed a lack of Channa Species - Any reason??

- i see you have Wallago Leeri, What about Wallago Attu??

Sorry for all the questions but i am just amazed at this whole set up and you have practically all my fave fish and wish list. Be as in depth as you like, because i will appreciate it all and be very grateful!!

Again Thanks for sharing you set ups. :)

oh of course, pictures of the said fish would be amazing too.

many thanks
sje106;4515723; said:
Truly Commend you on this. Fantastic ideas and plans. well done.

I notice you have a

- Brachyplatystoma Filametosum - How big is this??

You have picked out some of my favourite fish.

I will answer all your questions but not able tonight. I have a puppy who just had surgery a couple of days ago and must spend a bit of time with her and my daughters dog before they go to sleep.

Both the Brachyplatystoma Filametosum and the Goonch (Bagarius yarelli) I bought from Biotope (Oliver Lucanus and Sean) in 1997. The Salton was very small at about 6" when purchased and actually never grew very large. It had started in a 50 gallon and moved to a 180 after about a year when it was about 12". When it reached about 18" I placed it in the big tank. It only reached 36" in 2009 when it was killed by the Wallago Leeri we suspect.

The Goonch never showed the aggressive nature shown on Animal Planets River Monster series. It also maxed out at about 36". I always cowered when confronted by the Wallago.

Both died in 2009 in a period when I was very immobile due to a broken left wrist and my daughter and son in law were looking after my pets for me. I was very upset at losing them both but happy to have had the pleasure of owning them over the 12 year period.