Ok, so this is like an up and down rollercoaster. Bumpy is now fine, and upright in the qt. Lumpy can't stay upright at all, and is swimming spastically all over the place and has scraped his head all to hell. I think when I added salt for bumpy it threw lumpy into osmotic shock. I'm going to put lumpy into the tank with bumpy and do a massive water change on the big tank. It's the only thing I can figure because it's the only change. I put the salt in and about 6 hours later lumpy was swimming wierd, and now he's completely upside down. If I don't move him he'll probably die at this rate. Thanks for everyone's concerns. I'm gonna go move lumpy, and of course will take pics because I can see him from the side for the first time in over a year and his skull is way deformed. lol. You can tell his is genetic and not from a small tank. Plus he's never been in a small tank.