Cheap plants, less nitrate! POTHOS

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I thought it looked like Pothos too but the label says Phildendron (P.Scandens). I'll try to see if I can find some Devil's Ivy/Photos in the plant nursery near us because I can't find any of those in Lowes.

As for your questions...

-how long had they been in your tank?
They've been in the tank for 2 months.

-was your tank cycled?
Yes, the tank is cycled and has been running for more than 2 years. My usual water parameters are ammonia 0, nitrite 0 and nitrate 20-40 (kind of hard to distinguish between the two). My tap has at least 20ppm nitrates though and that's why I'm really hoping that plants will help keep it lower.

-what is the stock and gallons?
It's a 125 gallon tank with 1x Oscar, 1x BGK, 1x Featherfin catfish, 1x Polypterus P. Palmas, 1x Polypterus P.Beuttikoferi and 5x SDs.

-did you snip the roots an inch or so before placing in filter?
Originally, I didn't. But about a month ago I did snip the roots hoping that it would grow.

-any added light?
No added light. Not sure if it matters but the tank is also in the basement so there's no sunlight. I normally just leave a corner lamp on or open the lights on the tank.

please check if your roots are healthy and growing.I had a similar problem with got slower and slower gradually.if the roots are healthy it should look white to light brown..IF it's dark brown and kind of mushy then we have a problem in our hands.But i have managed to fix it some what noW and my plant has started to grow back
This is the idea I am going to use in my 55gal sump filter for my 180gal. The sump will have 3 chambers: 1st chamber will be wet/dry with bio-balls; middle chamber will be the biggest with two pothos plants; 3rd chamber will be the smallest which will have the pump. Pick up some cheap LEDs off Ebay as a light source since the 180 is in my unfinished basement

Sounds great! Can't wait for pics!

please check if your roots are healthy and growing.I had a similar problem with got slower and slower gradually.if the roots are healthy it should look white to light brown..IF it's dark brown and kind of mushy then we have a problem in our hands.But i have managed to fix it some what noW and my plant has started to grow back


Try added light. Ideally get a 13-23watt 6500k compact florescent light bulb, they have a bright white almost light blue hue. You can pick up a cheap utility clamp on lamp at Walmart in the hardware section for 8$ and just aim it right on it.

Like this:

And this:

Although their fine in low light conditions they wont exactly thrive especially in a no light basement.

×Go S Vettel #1 Infiniti Redbull! 4x WDC!!! Congrats on another flawless title and 7 wins in a row going on 8, see you in Texas boys!×

Cheap way to decrease nitrates and keep your fish healthy:
LEDs will work , didnt see it was an LED bulb, led full spectrum strip lighting will work, they sell those under the indoor gardening section around here. Not sure about the bulbs but i dont see why it wouldnt

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Sorry for the double post but I forgot to ask...instead of a florescent light, can I use an LED instead? Like this ->

No that bulb is 2700k. You want to shoot for 5-7000k spectrum for optimal growth. When you go to product description it will say color temp.

This would work

Anything called "daylight," is usually in the 5-7k range which is GOOD!

Soft white and warm is usually 2,500k-4k spectrum which isn't ldeal for plants.

Its harder to find leds in the daylight range 5-7k, that's why I usually use cfls unless its for my diy algae scrubbers which use 2500-3k (helps algae thrive)

×Go S Vettel #1 Infiniti Redbull! 4x WDC!!! Congrats on another flawless title and 7 wins in a row going on 8, see you in Texas boys!×

Cheap way to decrease nitrates and keep your fish healthy:
I wanted to ask what is the advice on snipping all the roots. I added 3 giant Pothos to my 120 and they are amazing. Should I snip the roots Or snip them every few months? I read all the post but I must of missed that one.

F1 VET this is the coolest most awesome idea!
I wanted to ask what is the advice on snipping all the roots. I added 3 giant Pothos to my 120 and they are amazing. Should I snip the roots Or snip them every few months? I read all the post but I must of missed that one.

F1 VET this is the coolest most awesome idea!

Since you are trying to grow the roots I dont find this a great idea.
But this is where I am at as well. Roots are taking over my tank.
I am gonna add an overhead sump so that my roots are all in the system but my main tank will be nice and free of the root mess taking over.
I wanted to ask what is the advice on snipping all the roots. I added 3 giant Pothos to my 120 and they are amazing. Should I snip the roots Or snip them every few months? I read all the post but I must of missed that one.

F1 VET this is the coolest most awesome idea!


If you dont like the look of roots by all means snip away! Just be sure when it grows out (apprx a month) that you keep them at least 6" but they will grow back fast.

I've never tried pruning the roots but this may encourage new growth to a stunted already mature plant!

The only maintenance I do is snip yellow leaves off and dead or dying ones to focus growth on new growth. After all growth needs food!

×Go S Vettel #1 Infiniti Redbull! 4x WDC!!! Congrats on another flawless title and 8 wins in a row going on 9, see you in Brazil boys!×

Cheap way to decrease nitrates and keep your fish healthy: