Cheap plants, less nitrate! POTHOS

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I would never known these plants were good for aquariums without this sticky. I will share some info in the changes in water conditions in about a week so you can log the improvement

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Ok I just tested my water I had to use crappy test strips but I will be buying liquid tests later this week. This test came out with .20 ppm nitrates

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Sounds good! Yea grab the API liquid nitrate test kit @ your lfs or if you got the extra cash just grab the master kit w/ high and low ph, nitrite, nitrate and ammonia along with 4 glass vials. Ive heard Sera are good test kits too.

If you just want the separate nitrate test kit call weed first cuz some lfs don't carry it.

×Go S. Vettel #1 Infiniti Redbull! 4x WDC!!! Congrats on another flawless title and 9 wins back to back in 1 season (record!) See you next year in Australia boys!×

Cheap way to decrease nitrates and keep your fish healthy:
Sounds good! Yea grab the API liquid nitrate test kit @ your lfs or if you got the extra cash just grab the master kit w/ high and low ph, nitrite, nitrate and ammonia along with 4 glass vials. Ive heard Sera are good test kits too.

If you just want the separate nitrate test kit call weed first cuz some lfs don't carry it.

×Go S. Vettel #1 Infiniti Redbull! 4x WDC!!! Congrats on another flawless title and 9 wins back to back in 1 season (record!) See you next year in Australia boys!×

Cheap way to decrease nitrates and keep your fish healthy:

I probably won't be able to do it tomorrow I'm pulling a extra 12 hour shift for the holiday. So I'll most likely pick one up Saturday early before I go to work.

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Here's another area where I utilize pothos for a healthy eco system:



Little 12"x12"x18"T Vivarium for my juvy dalmation/creamsickle crested gecko! 1.5" layer of rocks followed by a 1"-1.5" mixture of peat moss and eco dirt aka milled coconuts. Basically I just spray the dirt every night and the pop/water sinks where the roots intake the nutrients and grow. Only have to spot clean sticks and glass but I could even just spray it with water.

Pothos has so many applications where it can sustain a healthy environment for many animals!

If anyone has non aquarium pothos applications please share as well as new aquarium setups! Thx

×Go S. Vettel #1 Infiniti Redbull! 4x WDC!!! Congrats on another flawless title and 9 wins back to back in 1 season (record!) See you next year in Australia boys!×

Cheap way to decrease nitrates and keep your fish healthy:
That gecko terrarium looks awesome F1! Looks like he enjoys the plant as well.

I did some more pruning today.
I hacked one piece that was over 7ft long. Seeing that I now know some of the other vines are well over 10'. So I took that cutting and placed it in another growout and it's now a wall piece ;)


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Has anyone found a pet safe alternate to Pothos?

My pothos touch the floor. My cat and animals have never been sick. But that doesn't mean its safe! You can always buy cheap thin steal netting and cover it of your worried. This plant has no ill effects reported on fish!

But duckweed works well for nitrates too and it floats.

That gecko terrarium looks awesome F1! Looks like he enjoys the plant as well.

I did some more pruning today.
I hacked one piece that was over 7ft long. Seeing that I now know some of the other vines are well over 10'. So I took that cutting and placed it in another growout and it's now a wall piece ;)

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View attachment 969239

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Wow that's amazing! Nice growth! And thanks can't wait till the plant really fills out the terrarium/viv!

×Go S. Vettel #1 Infiniti Redbull! 4x WDC!!! Congrats on another flawless title and 9 wins back to back in 1 season (record!) See you next year in Australia boys!×

Cheap way to decrease nitrates and keep your fish healthy:
I think I might be giving gangsta a run for his money soon. My nitrates came out a very light pink more white on the strip so my guess is they are around .10 ppm now. My roots have grown like crazy too. Here's a pic. ImageUploadedByMonsterAquariaNetwork1386262242.080447.jpg

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I added some more pothos. There are 50 or more in this sump. They will do very well as they get plenty of Florida sun.

Soon I will be adding some giant pothos vines. I'm getting some cuttings from giant pothos growing on some trees. The leaves are about 18" - 20". :)


I added some more pothos. There are 50 or more in this sump. They will do very well as they get plenty of Florida sun.

Soon I will be adding some giant pothos vines. I'm getting some cuttings from giant pothos growing on some trees. The leaves are about 18" - 20". :)

View attachment 970078

It'll be interesting to see how that turns out. The pothos that is sold at hardware stores is the juvenile "giant golden pothos" plant, Epipremnum aureum. It matures and grows larger leaves (up to 3' leaves as mature vines) as it grows vertically toward the sunlight, anecdotal evidence at least implies the vertical growth is one of the keys along with adequate light and humidity. aureum pc.html.
It'll be interesting to see how that turns out. The pothos that is sold at hardware stores is the juvenile "giant golden pothos" plant, Epipremnum aureum. It matures and grows larger leaves (up to 3' leaves as mature vines) as it grows vertically toward the sunlight, anecdotal evidence at least implies the vertical growth is one of the keys along with adequate light and humidity. aureum pc.html.

Yep... If you look at the trees here in Florida (saw this in San Juan too), the ones that are allowed to grow up into the tree are generally a lot larger and denser with leaves. The vine actually turns woody and is at least 2" in diameter.

In the spring I plan on moving this sump outside. I will then be able to allow the pothos to grow up a tree or up a tall trellis.