• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Darboy's Cichla Pleiozona Growout Thread

Here in the islands adult size specimens can be sold at about $200-250. There are just a handful of us owners here and there hasnt been any new pleiozonas stock since our batch so rarity here is what sets the price for these fish. They are actually ready to breed already so i might as well try breeding them... If i can get a pair out of my tank :)

Yeah, here in the states the pleiazonas aren't in "demand" I guess you can say. It's either xingus, Kelberis or orinos. I personally will not pass up a opportunity if a pleiazona came by my way thats for sure. Now that I think about it, pleiazona will be my next pick up thanks darboy for making my decision easier.

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Yeah, here in the states the pleiazonas aren't in "demand" I guess you can say. It's either xingus, Kelberis or orinos. I personally will not pass up a opportunity if a pleiazona came by my way thats for sure. Now that I think about it, pleiazona will be my next pick up thanks darboy for making my decision easier.

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I DEMAND a pleizona immediately! If only it were that easy...

From DJ/MC Decker
Hi guys, wanna post here my cichla pleizonas and document their growth. this might come handy for future pleiozona owners, and for anyone wanting to research on them.
i got these fishes back in november of 2011, they were 4.5inches back then and now about a foot long already, they have been eating live fish since november, sometimes i give them hikari cichlid gold but unfortunately i cant find the large pellet variety here anymore. im going to divide the pics into five stages from november 2011 to just about yesterday.

#1 November 2011, took shots in the petshop because i had a feeling these guys were different. the colors, 4 bars, and the spangling sucked me back in the cichla game and mfk after 5 years.




#2 Mid-November 2011, took four home. they were housed in a 75 gal with smaller tems and monocs while their 600 gallon home is being set up. some of the pleiozonas have more yellow cheek coloring than the other.







#3 Mid-December 2011, about a week after transferring to their new home. Patterns remain slightly the same except on one or two fishes, spanglings turned to blackish blotches. i'm liking the transformation...






#4 March 2012, settled in the tank really well. pleiozonas have their growth spurt turned on because of the enormous space. feeding is now every other day to cut back on costs. abdominal blotches are now in all 4, colors, have intensified especially on two of the pleiozonas. those black bar like colorings in the forehead have also developed.






#5 July 2012 most recent photos, they are really big now, well im sure there's more room to grow, but growth spurt is kind of at a halt now, or a slower pace. scales have gotten much bigger and so beautiful especially if you look at them close up.. there are some signs of nuchal humps like black markings in that area but i haven't seen humps yet. 3 of the pleiozonas are really golden yellow and i have one that is more subued. he is pic number 2 below..






So that's it for now. sorry for the pic load. hope everyones having a great weekend!

Awesome collection Darboy

From DJ/MC Decker
Great job finding these! Whats the story bro how did you get these and what were they labelled as?

Im happy I got them for £12 ($8) each labelled Orino :) I thought they were Monos though to be honest :) Gonna keep the pair I think and grow them on :)