DIY Algae scrubber

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Going to do a test again tomorrow but they came down by about half already .. and the new tank I'm setting up for fry is cycling at an amazing speed .. nitrites went up shortly after and already going down ... used fishless fish food cycling
Yep it has a variety of heterotrophs for organic breakdown and autotrophs.. both nitrifying and denitrifying so basically will seed every stage and lots of different strains
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Yep it has a variety of heterotrophs for organic breakdown and autotrophs.. both nitrifying and denitrifying so basically will seed every stage and lots of different strains
That's what I've read too. I haven't used any in the 210 yet so I'm glad to see it works.
Yep it has a variety of heterotrophs for organic breakdown and autotrophs.. both nitrifying and denitrifying so basically will seed every stage and lots of different strains

That's good to know. Aquaripure Freshwater bacteria culture is another one that's viable. I ordered two 4 oz bottles for denitrifying bacteria but it also includes nitrifying bacteria for tank cycling. I used ~1/2 oz to seed a one gallon jar to grow more denitrifying bacteria along with sugar, nitrate, phosphate, and root tabs. It only took 8 days for it to grow enough to remove all the nitrate (~200 ppm).
Will look into that one ... it's always good to mix it up I reckon ..I noticed my carbon biopellets definitely go down in volume a bit with the prodibio ... so definitely must have lots of denitrifying bacteria