DIY Algae scrubber

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
That's good to know. Aquaripure Freshwater bacteria culture is another one that's viable. I ordered two 4 oz bottles for denitrifying bacteria but it also includes nitrifying bacteria for tank cycling. I used ~1/2 oz to seed a one gallon jar to grow more denitrifying bacteria along with sugar, nitrate, phosphate, and root tabs. It only took 8 days for it to grow enough to remove all the nitrate (~200 ppm).
The aquaripure nitrate filters were actually what gave me the idea to make my own. I liked the thought of no nitrates, but $340 is insane for something that won't even completely remove them.
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Considering the price of their denitrators, I figured their bacteria cultures better work for them.

And for $340 the largest one has a flowrate of 90 gallons per week or 0.5 gph. But that isn't like doing a single 90 gallon water change once a week. It's a gradual driprate so you'd be effectively changing much less water than that. For a 200 GL tank, I think it would be about like performing a weekly 50 gallon wc. I'm not exactly sure how to calculate it but 13% daily wcs would remove only ~60% of the nitrate compared to a single weekly 90% wc. It's similar to how a drip system uses several times more water than a single fin-level water change.
M@T!@$ M@T!@$ DN328 DN328 millerkid519 millerkid519 Angelphish Angelphish kno4te kno4te

M@T!@$ said:
I'm thinking of just doing lava rock. It is pretty cheap, but will it be efficient enough?
jaws7777 said:
tarheel96 tarheel96 was thinking of the same and felt it wasnt porus enough.

Use small pumice rock. I've compared Matrix, de*nitrate, eheim substrate pro, pumice rock, lava rock and none have pores which go deep enough to penetrate all the way through the media. Matrix and de*nitrate are bleached pieces of pumice.

Biohome is the only media which is truly porous. It's pores are long enough so that you can actually blow air through the media (with resistance) ... like a tightly folded or rolled-up T-shirt.

Here, I've compared seachem de*nitrate to pumice rock of similar size and shape. The de*nitrate is bleached white and to the left of each pumice piece ... except for the top two pieces which are reversed (pumice on the left, de*nitrate on the right).


Pumice is the best deal by far. I ordered mine on eBay ... 5 gallons worth or 25.2 lbs for $30 free shipping.

I'll add a higher resolution photo. It got degraded some in the upload.
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M@T!@$ M@T!@$ DN328 DN328 millerkid519 millerkid519 Angelphish Angelphish kno4te kno4te

Use small pumice rock. I've compared Matrix, de*nitrate, eheim substrate pro, pumice rock, lava rock and none have pores which go deep enough to penetrate all the way through the media. Matrix and de*nitrate are bleached pieces of pumice.

Biohome is the only media which is truly porous. It's pores are long enough so that you can actually blow air through the media (with resistance) ... like a tightly folded or rolled-up T-shirt.

Here, I've compared seachem de*nitrate to pumice rock of similar size and shape. The de*nitrate is bleached white and to the left of each pumice piece ... except for the top two pieces which are reversed (pumice on the left, de*nitrate on the right).


Pumice is the best deal by far. I ordered mine on eBay ... 5 gallons worth or 25.2 lbs for $30 free shipping.

I'll add a higher resolution photo. It got degraded some in the upload.

Awesome! I may just order a ton of pumice. Should it be in bags in the canisters?

May also order a bag of biohome to fill up one tray
This picture should be better. You should be able to zoom in. Because the de*nitrate is brighter some pieces appear to have a rougher surface.


Some pieces can float ... like one in a hundred. For that reason you might want to use a bag or just discard those pieces. You'll probably want to rinse it off although it's not extremely dusty. I boil anything that goes in my tanks like driftwood, rocks and media but that's me.
M@T!@$ M@T!@$ DN328 DN328 millerkid519 millerkid519 Angelphish Angelphish kno4te kno4te

Use small pumice rock. I've compared Matrix, de*nitrate, eheim substrate pro, pumice rock, lava rock and none have pores which go deep enough to penetrate all the way through the media. Matrix and de*nitrate are bleached pieces of pumice.

Biohome is the only media which is truly porous. It's pores are long enough so that you can actually blow air through the media (with resistance) ... like a tightly folded or rolled-up T-shirt.

Here, I've compared seachem de*nitrate to pumice rock of similar size and shape. The de*nitrate is bleached white and to the left of each pumice piece ... except for the top two pieces which are reversed (pumice on the left, de*nitrate on the right).


Pumice is the best deal by far. I ordered mine on eBay ... 5 gallons worth or 25.2 lbs for $30 free shipping.

I'll add a higher resolution photo. It got degraded some in the upload.
I decided to do a filter with just a sinlge bucket, so I already have enough media. 1.5 gallons of denitrate.
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M@T!@$ M@T!@$ DN328 DN328 millerkid519 millerkid519 Angelphish Angelphish kno4te kno4te

Use small pumice rock. I've compared Matrix, de*nitrate, eheim substrate pro, pumice rock, lava rock and none have pores which go deep enough to penetrate all the way through the media. Matrix and de*nitrate are bleached pieces of pumice.

Biohome is the only media which is truly porous. It's pores are long enough so that you can actually blow air through the media (with resistance) ... like a tightly folded or rolled-up T-shirt.

Here, I've compared seachem de*nitrate to pumice rock of similar size and shape. The de*nitrate is bleached white and to the left of each pumice piece ... except for the top two pieces which are reversed (pumice on the left, de*nitrate on the right).


Pumice is the best deal by far. I ordered mine on eBay ... 5 gallons worth or 25.2 lbs for $30 free shipping.

I'll add a higher resolution photo. It got degraded some in the upload.
The pumice should be a good option. Especially for the price.

I have biohome media somewhere at home. They have some issues with breakdown and likely a result of being very porous. The ones I have get chipped and have lots of dust. Longevity may be a concern. Be a good option to try one day.
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So i tested nitrats after a week. Prior they were red 40 to 60ppm today they tested mayne slightly darker than 20. Nit ready to call it a success as i did lower feedings this past week but does show some promise.
Question about flow rate.

I guess as more air was purged from the system the flow rate climbed to over 50gph i adjusted to ball valve some and got it down to 21 gph (1 gal jug filled in 2 min 48 sec)

Do you guys think it will perform better at the 20 gph range or should i adjust it some more and get closer to 30 to 40 ?
Question about flow rate.

I guess as more air was purged from the system the flow rate climbed to over 50gph i adjusted to ball valve some and got it down to 21 gph (1 gal jug filled in 2 min 48 sec)

Do you guys think it will perform better at the 20 gph range or should i adjust it some more and get closer to 30 to 40 ?

30gph is a good number to aim for. The seachem techs suggested 30-50gph always seem to have results. The tech always said 50gph. Other customers on their forum also kept is below 50gph and had some good results.