i banged out a couple nice bass on the senko around 930 at night a couple nights ago, but was unable to snap any pics becuase of the crappy iphone camera.
Now last night i decided to head out after the tornado warning and some of the heaviest rain ive ever seen. A couple minutes in i got a bite and ended up landing the hook. I reel it in and it is a BIG slimy eel that tangled my whole line......... A couple minutes later my rod shakes a little bit so i set the hook. It feels like im pulling a brick and there is no movement at the end. As i get closer to the peir my rod just dips and i almost lose the rod. I let it fight and bring the fish up to the surface to the water. It was hands down the biggest catfish i have ever caught. I keep reeling and then of course, the line snaps....... It could have been my knot but i was using a palomar knot with some clinch knots behind it on 20lb braid. Wasnt a fun fight until the end, but it was sick seeing a fish that big, too bad i coudlnt bring it in.