• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
likestofish;4401378; said:
I went fishing today due to the rain. I caught my self a 22 inch fish.
Yep fishing in the rain CAN be a good time to fish but at 6:20 i just couldnt do it. I say "CAN" because i have fished a lot in it and have got skunked much of the time too.
Btw do you live anywhere near macon GA?
Likestofish, what kind of fish was it?
Passionate 4 pikes;4403832; said:
Likestofish, what kind of fish was it?

Large Mouth Bass, put up a good fight took out a good amount of line and almost took me into the dock pilings.
likestofish;4404011; said:
Large Mouth Bass, put up a good fight took out a good amount of line and almost took me into the dock pilings.

Sounds like fun!! :headbang2
Spots fished-4

Time fished-37 hrs

Fish landed-I-33/Cliff-12/Dennis-5

8-18 was supposed to be a D&R canal trip on whitehead road but when I got out of Cliffs car my pole was broken, so we hopped back in the car to make are way to "wally world" so I could pick up a cheap pole. I went there thinking I could just buy another 15 dollar shakespeare but they didnt have anymore so I grabbed an 22 dollar quantum instead! Since it was getting late we opted out to fish the D&R at providence road right in princeton instead of driving all the way back to Lawerence. We both started out with the buzzy. I banged two with it, one was a very nice 14" smallie!! After that the spinny banged a couple more then the swimming sinko did the rest of the damage. Cliff ended up with 3 and I got 7. Stand out fish was the smallie I banged!! Cause both of are phones died no pics this time :irked:.

8-19 was a 11.5 hour trip out to Mercer County lake. It was a long and slow day. Most of the fish were caught using yum dingers(blk&Blu). I landed 13 and Cliff got 9. Stand out fish was my 2.8lb LMB that jumped on the spinny!!

8-21 was another 11.5 hour trip but this time it was Dennis and I at the "Amazon". The water is back up to high 70's to low 80's and it has slowed fishing down ALOT. I still was able to bang 10 and Dennis got 3. The fish were landed on a mix of the spinny, chatter bait, crank bait, and the spinny!! Stand out fish was a nice 2.10 that jumped on my chatter bait beside a laydown!!

8-22 was a WASTE of time at Groppes lake. I caught some decent size fish here a few weeks ago and throught I could mimick that so Dennis and I were on the water at 8am till 6pm. The bite was CRAZY SLOW. The first action came when a 6"er jumped out a brush pile like he was a 10 pounder and straight murderd my crank bait but he was able to shake off. The first fish landed was a yellow perch that Dennis got a MAPPS inline. At this point im alittle restless and pull out one of my old time favorites, the 10' worm(watermelon seed). After a few bluegill bites I finally land a SUPER small 8"er, after that I landed two on the spinny and Dennis landed his final one on a 4" swimming senko. Stand out fish of the day, there wasnt one :irked:!

No monster caught in quite awile but its ok FALL FEED will be here shortly!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~~~~~





Went late in the day just as it was starting to cool down. they werent biting in the shallows so i let my brand new spinnerbait sink and would jig after an hour i had caught two small bass about 10 inches each lol
I decided to use my new jig and a trailer i finally caught a 13 1/2 incher. I had one get off too.

Earlier this morning i went fishing and it was HORRIBLE all day i only got a leech, and one bass in 3 and a half hours!? a few others got off. I am not afraid of snakes but it is disconcerting climbing barefoot over rotting logs in thick brush!

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i banged out a couple nice bass on the senko around 930 at night a couple nights ago, but was unable to snap any pics becuase of the crappy iphone camera.

Now last night i decided to head out after the tornado warning and some of the heaviest rain ive ever seen. A couple minutes in i got a bite and ended up landing the hook. I reel it in and it is a BIG slimy eel that tangled my whole line......... A couple minutes later my rod shakes a little bit so i set the hook. It feels like im pulling a brick and there is no movement at the end. As i get closer to the peir my rod just dips and i almost lose the rod. I let it fight and bring the fish up to the surface to the water. It was hands down the biggest catfish i have ever caught. I keep reeling and then of course, the line snaps....... It could have been my knot but i was using a palomar knot with some clinch knots behind it on 20lb braid. Wasnt a fun fight until the end, but it was sick seeing a fish that big, too bad i coudlnt bring it in.
Hey mfk fishermen and women.. went out of Lake Erie for some steelhead aka rainbow trout.. got a few 7 pounders and got to mess around with downriggers... caught a big lamprey and had a bat trying to land on our boat.. lol..





Great post "Tstove15" & "Crispy"!!!!

If it aint crispy, it just aint right, lol!!!
All of the frustration and suffering through teaching myself how to fly fish has finally paid off. I went out for a few hours Saturday afternoon. I had just strung up some new, heavier line on my fly rod and was basically going to try and get a feel for the weight difference between the new and the old. 5wt is what I had, and I bought 8 wt. It worked magically. The heavier line allowed me to cast about 10+ feet farther than normal with half the effort.
After getting the feel for the line I threw on my waders and hopped into the lake. I only worked about 200 yards of shoreline, but it paid off. :D

My first decent largemouth on the fly. I didn't get a great measurement on him, but I would say that he was roughly 18 inches, and close to 4lbs.

Not 10 minutes later and 20 feet from where I caught the first one, another beast hit me. I figure this guy was roughly the same size, maybe a tad bit heavier. What a blast!