• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hi CF sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Looks like you've been busy. As far as my fishing is going, work is keeping me pretty busy. I have started fishing tourneys again. So I've put up my steelhead stuff and am concentrating on bass.

HiGhTiMeZ;4333214; said:
smallies fight more aggressive than the lmbs but they're not aggressive feeders unlike the lmbs. Smallies also feed on their line of sight rather than chasing meals or lures.

personally i've never caught smallies on buzzbaits. however they kill jigs, grubs and senko worms.

IDk about that one cause every year I can catch them on ANYTHING in the NJ D&R canal.

Pics- buzz bait smallies!!!


cichlidfinder;4334915; said:
Hi CF sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Looks like you've been busy. As far as my fishing is going, work is keeping me pretty busy. I have started fishing tourneys again. So I've put up my steelhead stuff and am concentrating on bass.


Whats up stranger!!!

Yeah Ive been busy with work also , on top of the heat wave I havent been going out that often. Its good to know your ok and doing fine!!

A line from your book " keep them lines wet"
So whats a good lure to use on LMB this time of year? I've always been a fish for whatever bites kinda guy but lately I've been going for the LMB. I bought a popper and caught a couple 12" ones but mostly they just come up to it then swim off. I read poppers work best in the spring so maybe thats why. I usually fish around 6-8 when it gets cooler. Any suggestions?
plastics. Worked slow and low. The key to catching good large mouths is first finding them. What ambush points are they using ? Find them first then cast to them with something they while eat.
This is just a small lake, we used to have large bass in here but the largest I have seen in the past 3 years is about 15-16". I'm fine with them, I just need to be able to get them to strike. This lake is so infested with algae it's hard to fish anything that is not close to the surface.
Spots fished-3

Time fished-13 hrs

Fish landed-I-25/Dennis-(Fri & Sat)-4

Friday was the first night fishing tournament for me. It was Dennies first time out and like my fifth. Kick off was at 7 and the fish were bitting right off the back. I plucked one off with the buzzy in like five minutes but it wasnt a keeper(12"s). Dennis followed right up with a decent CP on the crank bait. Dennis landed his second on the spinny that was the only keeper of the night for us. I landed five more but it ment nothing. At weigh in seven fish were weighed. The winning fish was a VERY nice 4.5!!
We fished for about an hour after the tournament was over, I was able to land two on the spinny and a bluegill that smacked my DT-10.

After getting some well needed sleep Dennis and I hit the amazon up around 3 on Saturday. I broke the ice about 15 minutes in when a chunky 12"er jumped on the spinny, I had another one on the very next cast but it was able to jump off. After that the bite was kinda slow but I landed alittle one on the buzzy. About two hours went by And I was getting alittle restless, nothing was working so I pulled out the "Dinger". On my third cast I felt that magic "Tick Tick" hookset BAM fight on with a nice 2.10. Shortly after Dennis got stuck in a tree so I just throw my dinger by this brush pile and let the small current pull it past it. Im steering the baot over to were he is stuck at, once he was out of the tree I turned around the line was swimming, hookset BAM a another two pounder. I knew I was onto something now, I went on to land another off the same brush pile as the two before that. The buzzy picked off my final four and Dennis's two for the day.

I Didnt plan on going out today but at 7:30 I just couldnt take being the house anymore. My first stop didnt last long cause " Colonail lake" is in bad shape. I hopped back in the car and went around the corner to the D&R canal. I landed 7 in 30 minutes all just casting the buzzy and bringing by some grass patches. My phone finally held a charge so I got a pic of a rock bass that smacked the buzzy!!!

Friday was cool but we didnt win, Saturday was also a decent day but the biggest was only a 2.10. Today nothing big landed but 7 fish in 30 minutes was alot of fun!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~~~~~

Mudfrog;4337781; said:
This is just a small lake, we used to have large bass in here but the largest I have seen in the past 3 years is about 15-16". I'm fine with them, I just need to be able to get them to strike. This lake is so infested with algae it's hard to fish anything that is not close to the surface.

Try a senko/dinger hooked finesse style and twitch it across the grass like it a baby snake. If their there and active they will jump right out of the grass!!
Did a bit of fishing myself today and yesterday in the D & R canal. Sorry didn't have a camera with me and my cell cam lens is cracked. I didn't get much to speak of on Saturday, just a few small Bass and had a few CP take a shot at the ragetail. Now on Sunday I got two decent size Bass, one on a Spinnerbait almost 3lbs and the other on a Ragetail, about 2.8lbs. The one on the spinnerbait almost pulled the rod out of my hand, because it hit just as I started to lift the spinner out of the water. All in all I had a nice time, I gotta get back to the city in the morning though.
Fished for quite a bit last night and had some decent results. Caught 7 LMB ranging from 10" - 17". The 17" was the largest LMB I've ever caught (yes I know sad haha). I saw a monster LMB swimming around, this guy was easily over 20", at first glance I assumed it was a carp but once I focussed in it was definitely a bass. He was not interested in a popper though.