• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
NICE bass Cichlid fiend!
I bought a buzzbait and a spinner bait.
used the buzzy twice since i got it. no fish yet but had two hit it this morning.
This morning was the perfect day to fish and 15 minutes from our new temporary cabin is a lake that is chock full with bass.
I got there at 6:45 and used my fly rod first. i tied on a dahlberg diver that i had made the day before.
The first 45 minutes were horrible i hung up every cast practically, didnt get a bite and got weeds most of the time. then it improved. I cast and imediately a bass jumped on it i set the hook and the rod bowed under the pressure. I thought it was close to 17 inches and i admit if i had lost it i would have said 17 :D anyway my arm was getting tired as the fish pulled out line i regained control until he dived into the weeds i got him out and brought him in. he was close to 15 inches, not big but he was thick he gave me a good fight so i was happy.
Caught another 14 incher.
I cast to some weeds but got hung up a medium bass struck at it but missed i did the same thing and he bit i landed him. On the way back a small bass struck while i wasnt paying attention fortunately he was still on when i noticed.
I got out the buzzy after that and really liked it missed two but didnt land any. Maybe later today i will try again for bigger bass.




What weight rod are you using P4P? You might have to use a heavier rod for large bass. I have a 5wt 8'6" rod, and I've been bullied around by 16-17 inch bass on that rod. They hit and head straight for cover and its hard to pull them out if the weeds are thick.

Something a little heavier maybe a 6-7 wt rod would allow you more leverage when fighting larger bass. If a 15 incher can pull you around imagine what a 20 incher would be able to do.
Spots fished-1

Time fished-6.5 hrs

Fish landed-I-3/Bjay-1/Dad-2

This will be part one of todays fishing adventures cause Dennis and I are going to the night fishing tournament at 7!!

Well today I decided to try a lake(GROPPS) I never go to cause I never catch anything. Big bruh(Bjay) and I started out at 6:15am. Bjay landed the first fish on a crank bait. My first came a couple hours later, it was an small one that hit the chatter bait. After that we went all the way around the lake and seen no more action, Bjay was ready to quit but I said lets do one more trip around. Mann good thing I did cause a few minutes later I threw(chatter bait) in front of a laydown and BAM a very nice 2:15 came in!!!! Then my dad called and said " I see yall". He just happened to be coming out there to fish, so Bajy got off and pops got on. We made one trip around and I didnt get nothing but pops got two small bass on a very small rattle trap. Once we made it to the boat ramp I said lets try by the bridge real quick. On my first cast I felt that magic TICK TICK and with a good hookset DAYYYYAAAAAA and very nice 4.1 landed!!! I called it quits after a few more cast.

Gropps lake is still not one of my favorites but it did give up two monster today!!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~~



Smoking is bad for you. Nice fish tho!
Went fishing for a few hours today.. went by Gander Mountain on the way home from work and picked up some Yum Dingers that I have been hearing so much about.. also picked up some Berkley Gulp Minnows (2.5"). Well I used the whacky rig on the Dingers.. very first cast I had a little 12" LMB. Within 10 casts I had caught 3 bass, not too shabby.

Later I switched to the minnow as I was trying to catch some of the crappie that were hitting like crazy last night. It took forever but I finally caught a small one, right after I caught the one in the larger pic.

The bass in the pics are about the average size caught.. they are in the 12-14" range with one pic being larger and one being smaller. I've seen larger bass in here but I do not know where they stay so I have not been able to fish for one. Mainly I only catch the bass that I can see from the bank. I uploaded a couple pics of the lake so maybe someone can suggest where to try ;)












Another flattie while pre fishing for a TX, this time on a crankbait... Last tx i got one out of a brushpile on a t-rig I thought was gonna be my big fish winner....
xEchOx;4354630; said:
What weight rod are you using P4P? You might have to use a heavier rod for large bass. I have a 5wt 8'6" rod, and I've been bullied around by 16-17 inch bass on that rod. They hit and head straight for cover and its hard to pull them out if the weeds are thick.

Something a little heavier maybe a 6-7 wt rod would allow you more leverage when fighting larger bass. If a 15 incher can pull you around imagine what a 20 incher would be able to do.
I am using a 5 weight. I hear about 14 pound bass very close by. maybe i should stick to a spinning rod lol
Unfortunately i wont be able to get a 6 weight rod for a while.
Caught some more bass yesterday in the afternoon. I got out my inflatable boat and paddled around, trolling with one of my clousers and hit two bass in an hour and a half.
It is awesome watching the rod snap back Largest was 14 inches
Nice 4 pounder cichlid!
Forgot the pics
Also included are some bass flies that i have tied. Mostly divers

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Eatsomekiwis;4356791; said:
Another flattie while pre fishing for a TX, this time on a crankbait... Last tx i got one out of a brushpile on a t-rig I thought was gonna be my big fish winner....

Wowzers thats a monster!!

Whats a TX?