NICE bass Cichlid fiend!
I bought a buzzbait and a spinner bait.
used the buzzy twice since i got it. no fish yet but had two hit it this morning.
This morning was the perfect day to fish and 15 minutes from our new temporary cabin is a lake that is chock full with bass.
I got there at 6:45 and used my fly rod first. i tied on a dahlberg diver that i had made the day before.
The first 45 minutes were horrible i hung up every cast practically, didnt get a bite and got weeds most of the time. then it improved. I cast and imediately a bass jumped on it i set the hook and the rod bowed under the pressure. I thought it was close to 17 inches and i admit if i had lost it i would have said 17
anyway my arm was getting tired as the fish pulled out line i regained control until he dived into the weeds i got him out and brought him in. he was close to 15 inches, not big but he was thick he gave me a good fight so i was happy.
Caught another 14 incher.
I cast to some weeds but got hung up a medium bass struck at it but missed i did the same thing and he bit i landed him. On the way back a small bass struck while i wasnt paying attention fortunately he was still on when i noticed.
I got out the buzzy after that and really liked it missed two but didnt land any. Maybe later today i will try again for bigger bass.

I bought a buzzbait and a spinner bait.
used the buzzy twice since i got it. no fish yet but had two hit it this morning.
This morning was the perfect day to fish and 15 minutes from our new temporary cabin is a lake that is chock full with bass.
I got there at 6:45 and used my fly rod first. i tied on a dahlberg diver that i had made the day before.
The first 45 minutes were horrible i hung up every cast practically, didnt get a bite and got weeds most of the time. then it improved. I cast and imediately a bass jumped on it i set the hook and the rod bowed under the pressure. I thought it was close to 17 inches and i admit if i had lost it i would have said 17

Caught another 14 incher.
I cast to some weeds but got hung up a medium bass struck at it but missed i did the same thing and he bit i landed him. On the way back a small bass struck while i wasnt paying attention fortunately he was still on when i noticed.
I got out the buzzy after that and really liked it missed two but didnt land any. Maybe later today i will try again for bigger bass.