GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Tequila;3279173; said:
Hmmm..... Don't get me wrong I like Fluvals too almost as much as Ehiems. But I gotta ask you why would you need 2 Ocean Clear Canister, what size tank you filtering?

since the connect, one for mechanical and one for biological?

i just got a 240g tank. just finish making a DIY 35g and now looking for a pump. i am currently working on DIY overflow. i will try to post some pics of my progress
george the giant gourami;3279856; said:
since the connect, one for mechanical and one for biological?

i just got a 240g tank. just finish making a DIY 35g and now looking for a pump. i am currently working on DIY overflow. i will try to post some pics of my progress

Huh from what I have just scanned through the Fx5 is more on the scale of a 400gal tank and cost about $380+/-USD & your getting either or but not both filtrations = mech/bio. Through the Fx5 uses roughly 50watts to run its 600gph pump. I still like the idea that everything isn't all together in case of a pump failure.

I priced the Ocean Clear Canister and found it for under $180 and a Little Giant pump which moves 1,100gph, 14' head, 1", 100watt for $140. And yes if you use 2 Canisters it will run you about $500 but the Ocean Clear is rated at 800~1,000gal tank per Canister and the Fx5 only 400gal. If the Fx5 fails you have to replace the whole unit, not so for the Ocean Clean setup. I really don't see why you would need two canisters, but if you do then I guess you will need two Fx5 too.

And if your going to build a DIY sump then you can place the Ocean Clear right before the return pump for you mech filtration.
Tequila;3282483; said:

And if your going to build a DIY sump then you can place the Ocean Clear right before the return pump for you mech filtration.
I like the sound of that, let the sump take care of a bit of mech but set it up to handle the bio and then use the canister as pure mech for the water polish.
Yanbbrox;3283854; said:
I like the sound of that, let the sump take care of a bit of mech but set it up to handle the bio and then use the canister as pure mech for the water polish.

I see someone is finally catching up to me in thought.;) But seriously what are you goingto use the sump for?, a biological filtration right. Some people call them Wet/Dry filters I have yet to find the dry half to them. They only work at there best right before they start to clog up, and the always full of slime. There great at grabbing the large messy pieces but there not meant for the large messy stuff but rather the small finer pieces of stuff. So people always end up placing "Pre" filters on them to filter out what isn't good for the filter. So in actuality the mechical filter should come before the biological, but it's the mechical filter that polishes the water and thats the water people want in there tank. Oh what to do, what to do, your damed if you do and damed if you don't.
my boy



Again(deja vu) looking good bruce.

The attachment system is still not quite right so here's a copy paste job, The moment when Georgina met George.

They are still having a play with each other, George is having 'ago' but not in a serious way, he's been on his fast the last week or so which means he's relatively weak enough to ignore her, either way shes too fast to handle any of this. She's eating well still and still jumps for food if your not quick, George just sits back wondering what all the fuss is about.

If anyone is reading this that missed the lost posts then we've had a baby GG in grow out to live with George(who has always killed everything). We have a small plec tank that is perfect for this, already we are now growing out 2 oscars to go in with 'fatty' who again kills anything added to that tank. In the future just netting and bagging a fish of this size is not a good idea, she has a bit of damage after the move but is responding to treatment really well.

So then GG keepers side by side, what is she?:)
It worked !!! I've been trying for two days to get that shot up!!!
tequlia, fx5 is only about $230 here. ocean clear canister comes with all the hoses? since pics are working, i will post pics of my sump for your approval and comment.

bogwoodbruce, your boy looks like a girl? unless i am wrong

yanbbrox, looking good. she is growing fast!