Hoplias Lacerdae


MFK Member
Jun 5, 2005
Bay Area, CA
Felipe Cantera;3833271; said:
KRSwop1;3832556; said:
I think what would be most helpful is some chin shots of a australis and a malabaricus right next to eachother, like you have of the mala and lac on your website."

Sure!, That's what I suggested for some days...but I have the feeling that you will say; "both are malabaricus" ;)

"Otherwise, all signs point to mala. It's a very nice looking fish, don't get me wrong, but I think Felipe is wrong."

Would not be the first time...:D

"He still hasn't provided any specific information to back up his claim. "

So I spent hours with just writing a lot of bull****? :(

"The Jaw of this fish looks definitely more mala than lac, and if he says it would be somewhere inbetween the two but more lacerdae side, I'm not seeing it."

That's one of the differences between animals and we humans; it's not always what we see...it's what we want to see.

No, you haven't just been spending hours writing a lot of bull. But, it has just been you're opinion without thoroughly explaining the differences. It has mostly been just your opinion, which is fine. We are all entitled to our opinions. My opinion is that it is mala until you have proven the case for australis.

I am an honorable man, and if you do make your case for australis I can admit when I am wrong. I am by no means a "know it all" and am happy when I can learn something new. That being said, I have learned a lot in my years of fish keeping about wolves, and everything I know is telling me this wolf is a mala.

If I am wrong, then it is an exciting time for the hobby again where a "new" species of wolf is available. I have to admit that the pred side of fish keeping has been quite boring lately. I really miss the days when all those "exotic" wolves were making their way over to the US via Seechi and Dom, and when armatus first came over via George at Shark Aquarium. Things have been quite boring lately, so I haven't been around as much. The possibility of owning a new wolf species (new to me since I've owned most wolves in the hobby besides Aimara, still my dream fish by the way) could spark my interest again.

All that being said, I definitely look forward to your detailed post with pics explaining the differences between malabaricus and australis.

Felipe Cantera

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 11, 2007
The biggest problem I have when I try to explain "things" is my english...I am 49 years old and started to learn english for a few years ago (just tried to learn it with the groups I receive)...and started to write it for 2 years ago....so...I hope you understand that to explain some things can be very hard for me....specially when I feel that I have done what I can...beside the pics, of course.


MFK Member
Jun 5, 2005
Bay Area, CA
Your english is much better than you give yourself credit for. English is my first language, and I still have a hard time explaining myself sometimes. So don't feel discouraged.

I think if you could try to explain what about this fish makes it australis to you more specifically, that would help. For example, instead of just saying it has the same pattern as australis, try to explain how it has the same pattern. That sort of explination will help prove your point.


MFK Member
Jun 5, 2005
Bay Area, CA
That helped, but a live example would help much more. Thats why I'm looking forward to your future post with pics.

I also just wanted to note that in the paper you provided, on p.120 it did in fact say that the dentiaries are parallel in australis, and not convergent like the one in the pics and malabaricus (comparing it to the figures a-c in the diagram on p.118).

"Medial margins of contralateral dentaries approximately parallel (Fig.1a-c)."