Hoplias Lacerdae


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jul 8, 2007
Where the sun don't shine
Felipe Cantera;3938611; said:
Sorry guys....!
But I got another trip right after the first one...came home yestarday and will now be at home 2 days before I leave again....but dont know how to put the pics (malabaricus/australe/lacerdae).....so if some of you cand send me some email, I will send the pics that one of the italians and one of the austrians took of the hoplias we collected!


PM sent


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 27, 2007
south east asia
Felipe Cantera;3938611; said:
Sorry guys....!
But I got another trip right after the first one...came home yestarday and will now be at home 2 days before I leave again....but dont know how to put the pics (malabaricus/australe/lacerdae).....so if some of you cand send me some email, I will send the pics that one of the italians and one of the austrians took of the hoplias we collected!

micheldied@gmail.com please!
you can upload by going advanced in post,then you see "manage attachments,and you can upload from there.


MFK Member
Jun 5, 2005
Bay Area, CA
Well, I guess Felipe was right....Both look like Malas to me. Might even be the same fish in both chin shots, just one it's gills might be open a bit more. Same number of pores under it's chin. Very similar patterns under the chin. Hmmm, maybe it's just me.

Felipe, would you mind explaining some of the other differences you're seeing from both chin shots?

mad ness

MFK Member
Feb 26, 2009
Hong Kong
dont think it's the same fish, the one in top photo is a lot smaller assuming it's the same fingers.

i dunno carp about IDing wolves but just looking at it, and reading what felipe's been saying.
the photo ontop, the angles on the under jaw have dual degrees, fold and converge (similar to the neck n' head of an hour glass).
bottom photo the angles are more linear, the two lines don't converge.
See how the hand is keeping the gills shut. I think this is to give better perspective on those folds/lines, and for a better apple to apple comparison.
If the gill plates were open, I could imagine the difference between the two folds to be much less apparent.

KRSwop1;3941776; said:
Well, I guess Felipe was right....Both look like Malas to me. Might even be the same fish in both chin shots, just one it's gills might be open a bit more. Same number of pores under it's chin. Very similar patterns under the chin. Hmmm, maybe it's just me.

Felipe, would you mind explaining some of the other differences you're seeing from both chin shots?


MFK Member
Jun 5, 2005
Bay Area, CA
Sorry not to be a jerk, but as you said before "i dunno carp about IDing wolves." If you actually know what convergent and parallel dentiaries looked like, they are both convergent. Neither looks anything like the Lacerdae, Aimara, or Curupira's jaw structure, which are in the same family as australis. They both have the same jaw structure as malibaricus, which I'm sure is it's own family. But until further classification is done, they are all labeled as malabaricus.

mad ness

MFK Member
Feb 26, 2009
Hong Kong
KRSwop1;3944338; said:
Sorry not to be a jerk, but as you said before "i dunno carp about IDing wolves." If you actually know what convergent and parallel dentiaries looked like, they are both convergent. Neither looks anything like the Lacerdae, Aimara, or Curupira's jaw structure, which are in the same family as australis. They both have the same jaw structure as malibaricus, which I'm sure is it's own family. But until further classification is done, they are all labeled as malabaricus.

i stand corrected. typo. what i meant was that while both folds converge, the curve of the folds do so at different angles. Im not well versed in the correct terms, just describing as it's seen.

point of post was neither to support nor disagree with either views. just stating what i speculate was the difference felipe tried to elaborate in previous posts.

attached is a pic of the lower jaws of various hoplias. What family does the curuptra (a) and (b) belong? i think (a) curuptra looks like felipe's bottom photo and (d) malabaricus the top photo.

hoplias under jaw.JPG


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 27, 2007
south east asia
KRSwop1;3944338; said:
Sorry not to be a jerk, but as you said before "i dunno carp about IDing wolves." If you actually know what convergent and parallel dentiaries looked like, they are both convergent. Neither looks anything like the Lacerdae, Aimara, or Curupira's jaw structure, which are in the same family as australis. They both have the same jaw structure as malibaricus, which I'm sure is it's own family. But until further classification is done, they are all labeled as malabaricus.
it doesnt look anything like lacerdae or curupira to me either,but felipe has said before they the dentiaries ALMOST touch,but never do,like in the second pic.
of course,it might just have been pulled away from each other.
lets let felipe have his say.