Jaguar cichlid Vs Channa Striata


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 18, 2005
unknownuza13 said:
You can do whatever you want with your fish. I also said a few pairs of convicts..(pairs) but if it really literally ripped the head off a 4" convict that wasn't really 2.5 inches with the tail then that is probably not going to work. I am not speaking on speculation either I have owned two red lines earlier in my fish keeping career. Your little guy must just be a bad ass, it happens. All the accounts of jardini keepers and there jardini mauling fish I am sure they couldn't put anything in the tank with them. I am actually surprised people get away with what they put together considering what little size we really give them to live. It looks like your channa is going to have to live solo, Although if you really wanted to you could find something that your SH would not immediately punk and it wouldn't even have to be a completely super agro fish. I guarantee if you put in any big.. bigger than 8" central american cichlid with him he will not be so lucky. If he does he should get as big of tank as he needs all to himself..
Yep, that's what I've been trying to say. I used to own a micropeltes that got to 2.5 foot before i sold it, that fish was a killer of course but not a psycho like this one. This one is just crazy. It's definitely not a micropeltes. It looks like a striata, and it must be a big snakehead because it's had a phenominal growth rate.

The convict was 4 inch with the tail and quite a bulky fish. It was hiding behind a sponge filter, the poor thing came out to eat a pellet and like lightning the channa grabbed it by the face and shook it and let go. The convict was half dead at this point with all the flesh scraped off, the channa immediately grabbed it again and shook it until half it;s head came off.

That's the most brutal thing it's done, it also killed a 4.5 inch hujeta by grabbing it from above by the back and shaking it, taking a huge chunk out of it.

That's also how it killed the dovii. The dovii must have given it the chance, not run away. Though the head did not come off, it was just mutilated.

Incidentally my jardini is a wuss. he's about 7 inches now and thickening up, he lives with some 2.5 inch tinfoil barbs, a 2 inch perch, a skinny 4 inch peacock bass, a 3 inch shark cat etc and he never touches any of them. He has never killed or hurt a fish.

I think some of yu got the wrong end of the stick, I'm not coming here bragging like "yO i GoT TeH SNAKEhEaD, hE sO baDaSS11"

I just think it's funny that a juvenile fish can be so aggressive, it's something I've never experienced before. I have a tank full of predators that all live in peach, no aggression, and this one little snakehead on his own that just tries to kill anything.

interestingly though he is nervous around people. When I come to the tank he dahes under his cave and pokes his head out.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 18, 2005
Motag 7 said:
lacking knowledge, i don't think so, ho wdo we know you're not lacking knowledge?
Miles is a community seller, he imports fish. I think it's safe to say he has a fair amount of knowledge :)


Fire Eel
MFK Member
May 9, 2005
A Watery Grave
look... enough w the blasting...

damnit... be mature. If you don't like what someone is saying then just ignore it.

You don't have to reply.

Motag 7

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 16, 2005
your cool with me rumble, i was just worried about the other fish dude, i believe you now man, and i'm sure miles is a very credible source i just didn't like what he said, i'm just hard headed and can drag stuff on forever, rock on bro and enjoy the bass SH!, hey I just picked up a dovii today, i'll raise him until he is 12" then put your snakehead with him! i'm just kiddin :D


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 18, 2005
Motag 7 said:
your cool with me rumble, i was just worried about the other fish dude, i believe you now man, and i'm sure miles is a very credible source i just didn't like what he said, i'm just hard headed and can drag stuff on forever, rock on bro and enjoy the bass SH!, hey I just picked up a dovii today, i'll raise him until he is 12" then put your snakehead with him! i'm just kiddin :D
Fair enough, thanks for understanding.

How big is your dovii now? Is there an easy way of sexing dovii's?

Incidentally - I notice you have a northern pike. How is he? Do you recommend them? I've always wanted one, and even though they're a native fish here in the UK they do not exist in the aquatic trade :)

Motag 7

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 16, 2005
actualy my pike is 11.5" long and tries to eat anything, he is living with my motag, and the motag owns him, he is fun to watch when he eats goldfish, he shakes them like crazy, sadly i am getting rid of him, i want to put my motag with grammode with my motag and the pike would eat the grammode he has already eaten one about two weeks ago and the grammode that i ahve now is even smaller. so if anybody wnats a northern pike he'll go fairly cheap, but yes i definetely recomend them theyare great fish and he is not afraid of me one bit, he lets me pet him. :)
THe one that i have now looks to be a male because his anal fin is bright turquoise but sometimes that isn't even sure about that because it is so young.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 18, 2005
Sounds cool, I'm gonna try and get one.

One question though - what temperature do you keep him at? Do they do ok at tropical temps?

I want to get one BUT, not if it requires his own tank with cold water.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 18, 2005
The latest fish I've tried was out of desperation, as I had nowhere else to put this fish.

I got 2 11 inch polypterus endlicheri congicus recently, and there was lots of aggression between them so I had to seperate them.

I didn't wanna risk this 11 inch congicus in my main tank with my small fish, so I had to risk it with the snakehead.

I thought seeing as it's 11 inches and thick with armoured skin the snakehead probably won't bother it. For a minute or 2 it was fine, the snakehead ignored it. Then the endy casually went into the snakeheads cave. The snakehead assertively but not viciously pushed the end out with it's head. A minute later the endy went into the channas cave again, and the channa flipped out and just started biting and chasing this 11 inch endy. It was insane.

I quickly removed the lovely congicus and put him in my main tank, I just hope he doesn't eat my peacock bass or baby micropeltes.

here is my killer albino channa, the photo has come out terribly because there is only a faint blue light on the tank.