• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Lots of pics past and present

Sounds cool. Your tank is going to be very interesting. Looking forward to some full tank shots of the new setup.
Look forward to seeing some new pictures when your done mate.
Mine are good, thanks for asking. I was away on vacation ("holiday"), but I'm back now so I'll post some pics soon. They grew quite a bit while I was gone.

I'm making some changes as well. I got rid of the floating plants because they were just a mess. Also, the fine sand is going to be replaced by Caribsea Peace River sand. It's actually a really fine-grained gravel, but it will make maintenance easier for me. I'm also thinking about getting glass tops ... the acrylic kept sagging into the water, and the screen tops I made are kind of pointless without the floating plants. They just collect gunk and prevent it from flowing into the overflow.
Yikes long name
Yeah, the laguna catazaja bit is just the catch location.Its worth including as there are a few differences in this thorichthys depending which geographical variant you have.

That is definitely worth looking into one day when i have tanks larger than 70 gals
It is 48 x 18. I do not think i would keep cichlids for the sake of my african knives and next year december i am redoing the tank for fancy goldfish. That is why i said when i have more tanks. I also doubt their availability and price here in south africa