• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Lots of pics past and present

I have a 70 gal so i might try keeping 4 knives in the tank to potentially breed them as it hasn't been done without hormones and a german keeper got them to spawning condition by keeping 6 in a 100gallon tank and having seasonal temp differences which triggered females changing colour, fattening with eggs and grunting but he never found a spawn
Thanks Adam,
How are your thorichthys getting on?
I picked up 4 meeki yesterday, will probably add another 4 next week.
Thanks Adam,
How are your thorichthys getting on?
I picked up 4 meeki yesterday, will probably add another 4 next week.

Sounds cool. Your tank is going to be very interesting. Looking forward to some full tank shots of the new setup.

Mine are good, thanks for asking. I was away on vacation ("holiday"), but I'm back now so I'll post some pics soon. They grew quite a bit while I was gone.

I'm making some changes as well. I got rid of the floating plants because they were just a mess. Also, the fine sand is going to be replaced by Caribsea Peace River sand. It's actually a really fine-grained gravel, but it will make maintenance easier for me. I'm also thinking about getting glass tops ... the acrylic kept sagging into the water, and the screen tops I made are kind of pointless without the floating plants. They just collect gunk and prevent it from flowing into the overflow.