Lots of pics past and present

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
The cupidos are doing great- thanks for asking!! Settling in fine. As soon as I find some more ill add more to the group, maybe four more. There are 6 right now. The geo's pretty much ignore them. I was a bit worried that they might get picked on by the sveni's- but, not the case.

Ive been inspired by your tank, the leaf litter look.... so amazing. I was thinking of getting this geophagus mix from Tanninaquatics ( a couple bags) and I have catulpa and maple leaves. What do you think? Here is the link to it:

Im not good with pictures, but I made a video a couple nights ago that I can share. The sveni are growing pretty good, starting to get their trailing finnage. The g. neambi I just got a couple weeks ago from Rapps at TUIC, so they are little guys. :)

I really like your mix of cichlids and the tank looks great.

Lilyann have a look at my thread in the sticky section of this forum. It may be of interest to you ,especially if you like leaf litter.

I love tannin aquatics.
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I really like your mix of cichlids and the tank looks great.

Lilyann have a look at my thread in the sticky section of this forum. It may be of interest to you ,especially if you like leaf litter.

I love tannin aquatics.
Okay, great... Ill take a look....
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The cupidos are doing great- thanks for asking!! Settling in fine. As soon as I find some more ill add more to the group, maybe four more. There are 6 right now. The geo's pretty much ignore them. I was a bit worried that they might get picked on by the sveni's- but, not the case.

Ive been inspired by your tank, the leaf litter look.... so amazing. I was thinking of getting this geophagus mix from Tanninaquatics ( a couple bags) and I have catulpa and maple leaves. What do you think? Here is the link to it:

Im not good with pictures, but I made a video a couple nights ago that I can share. The sveni are growing pretty good, starting to get their trailing finnage. The g. neambi I just got a couple weeks ago from Rapps at TUIC, so they are little guys. :)

One of the things I really like about your tank,is the fact all the fish will grow up and be compatible for the long haul.

Your making me want some geos again.
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Ha ha! You do need some more geos! :D What variety would you get if you were to get some? What variety have you had?

Everything is pretty much South American in this tank except the African tetras. Oh, well. :)
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Ha ha! You do need some more geos! :D What variety would you get if you were to get some? What variety have you had?

If I were to get some it would be either,geophagus megasema,or satanoperca jurupari.
They are both found in the rio madeira with Bolivian rams .

In the past I've kept Dicrozoster ,altifrons and Abalios. I've also kept satanoperca pappaterra,acarichthys heckelii and geophagus brasiliensis .
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If I were to get some it would be either,geophagus megasema,or satanoperca jurupari.
They are both found in the rio madeira with Bolivian rams .

In the past I've kept Dicrozoster ,altifrons and Abalios. I've also kept satanoperca pappaterra,acarichthys heckelii and geophagus brasiliensis .
Yes, that's right, I remember you telling me awhile back about the santanoperca ( more delicate- not really the easiest to start with for those just starting to keep geophagus species) and the heckelii ( can be brutal to each other when reach adulthood) when you were helping me with my questions about stocking for my 180g. I listened to the well given advice :).

By the way, I just got done ordering 10 of the Bolivian Rams, 4 Tocano tetras ( unfortunately all he had at the time... so excited to see these, but I am crazy about tetras as you know), and 3 of the biotodoma cupidos that I had posted about in the other thread from Aquatic Clarity ( thought Id see if there are any differences from the six I already have). Ill post some pictures when they settle in. :)
Yes, that's right, I remember you telling me awhile back about the santanoperca ( more delicate- not really the easiest to start with for those just starting to keep geophagus species) and the heckelii ( can be brutal to each other when reach adulthood) when you were helping me with my questions about stocking for my 180g. I listened to the well given advice :).

By the way, I just got done ordering 10 of the Bolivian Rams, 4 Tocano tetras ( unfortunately all he had at the time... so excited to see these, but I am crazy about tetras as you know), and 3 of the biotodoma cupidos that I had posted about in the other thread from Aquatic Clarity ( thought Id see if there are any differences from the six I already have). Ill post some pictures when they settle in. :)
Exciting times.
I love it when new fish are on the way.
It would be nice to see another video of them all when they arrive and settle in a bit.
I like your taste in cichlids Amy,keeping them in groups,as you are ,also makes them more interesting and appealing.
I find Bolivian rams very nice to watch as they sort out some kind of hierarchy . They are a very entertaining little fish.
I hope they all settle in well and wish you luck with you new stock.
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Exciting times.
I love it when new fish are on the way.
It would be nice to see another video of them all when they arrive and settle in a bit.
I like your taste in cichlids Amy,keeping them in groups,as you are ,also makes them more interesting and appealing.
I find Bolivian rams very nice to watch as they sort out some kind of hierarchy . They are a very entertaining little fish.
I hope they all settle in well and wish you luck with you new stock.
Oh no!-- The video says "error"