Lots of pics past and present

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Exciting to see the Rams already spawning Stan.They are beauties!
I am getting a group of 3 pairs in a couple weeks from a local breeder, hopefully I will get them to spawn as well.

My discus just spawned a couple days ago. Here is a picture of them around the cone: :)
Beautiful sight Lilyann, your discus look very impressive. I wish you luck with the spawn .
Have you kept Bolivian rams before Lilyann ? If not i think you will really enjoy them. So much character for such little guys. I think they're great.
A group should do really well in your tank.
I presume they will be going with the sveni and cupidos?
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Another little update.
Came home from work today and noticed more baby ancistrus . I think this could be the third spawn from this group so far.
You can just see two of them in the background in this picture.


And here is a pic of my male Apistogramma trifasciata . His colours keep getting better and better. Really pleased with this little guy.

Nice! I wonder if they choose leaves naturally due to the potential antifungal properties they provide?
Of course I can't say what goes through a fishes mind, but I can attest to the antifungal property of leaf litter being a potential reason.
I breed corydoras and for a long time I had trouble losing eggs to fungus. I added some leaf litter to the bottom of the fry tank and never had any more issues.
Lots of spawning going on again.
I now have 2 pairs of Bolivian rams with wrigglers .
You can just make them out at the bottom of this picture .


Closer view

The two pairs are doing a great job guarding so far.

And these little ancistrus are everywhere
Beautiful sight Lilyann, your discus look very impressive. I wish you luck with the spawn .
Have you kept Bolivian rams before Lilyann ? If not i think you will really enjoy them. So much character for such little guys. I think they're great.
A group should do really well in your tank.
I presume they will be going with the sveni and cupidos?
Thanks, Stanzzz- The spawns from the discus never comes to anything, sadly. Maybe I need to soften the water- use some RO. My pH is kinda high, 7.4, KH 3 and GH at 5. My TDS at around 125-130. Those that raise discus have told me that they look fertilized, but the pair always ends up eating them. :(
I plan to put the rams with the cupidos and geophagus. The source I was going to get the pairs from fell through, but, maybe Ill just grab a group of 6-8 from Wetspot and let them pair off. I was going to get German rams, but, I think Ill go with the wilds, Bolivians, instead.
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Oh wow, look at those colorful cheeks on the rams, cute little guys. Congrats!!
Thanks Lilyann .
How are the cupido getting on?
Love to see some updates on your tank and those guys if you get time.
I think you will really enjoy the rams,I know I do .
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The cupidos are doing great- thanks for asking!! Settling in fine. As soon as I find some more ill add more to the group, maybe four more. There are 6 right now. The geo's pretty much ignore them. I was a bit worried that they might get picked on by the sveni's- but, not the case.

Ive been inspired by your tank, the leaf litter look.... so amazing. I was thinking of getting this geophagus mix from Tanninaquatics ( a couple bags) and I have catulpa and maple leaves. What do you think? Here is the link to it:

Im not good with pictures, but I made a video a couple nights ago that I can share. The sveni are growing pretty good, starting to get their trailing finnage. The g. neambi I just got a couple weeks ago from Rapps at TUIC, so they are little guys. :)

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