That looks fantastic pal.... Stop making me think about selling my monsters haha...
Thanks mate.That looks fantastic pal.... Stop making me think about selling my monsters haha...
Thanks Chris.Looking great Stan, so much to see in a tank like that. Keeps things interesting for sure!
how big is the tank, whats the foot print?Here's a video of the tank.
Currently stocked with
200 Black neons
40 bentosi tetras
20 Black phantom tetras
3 festivum
11 bolivian rams
5 apistogramma trifasciata
5 whiptal catfish(rhineloricara)
Loads of ancistrus (don't know how many, they keep breeding)
hi how are ya, whats that pleco in your pic? Is a red fin uraguay pleco something of value, or just an everyday pleco, I like the one in your pic, do you know anything bout Red Fin uraguay pleco, cant search them up Right now cause imma at schooooooooooool! Thanks.That looks fantastic pal.... Stop making me think about selling my monsters haha...