CJH;3981899; said:I'm sure you're already aware of this, but epoxy should end up costing quite a bit less than Pond Coat. More expensive on a per volume basis but cheaper to waterproof on a square foot basis since epoxy is 100% solids and only needs about 1/5 the total wet mil thickness that PC needs.
Just wanted to mention this in case you were assuming a tank needs as much epoxy as it does PC.
Assuming no fiberglass reinforcment, shoot for around 20 mils thickness with epoxy. One chemist at West Systems calls this overkill but did admit to me that 20 mil thickness is a good way in insure any given part of the tank will have 10 mils thickness which is generally what's needed to waterproof a plywood and account for the fact that plywood varies a lot in surface smoothness.
A gallon of epoxy will coat 80 sq. ft. of plywood with 20 mils of cured epoxy. Since it is 100% solids wet mil thickness and dry mil thickness are considered equal.
Yes, I did learn that in my research. My main reason for not going with pond coat is the difficulties people are having sealing the glass in. I understand that if all the conditions are just right it is not a problem, but I would rather not take the chance. One of best parts of PC is it's flexability but my tank is not going to be moving so that should not be a problen with a sturdy stand. As stated I am not knocking PC, but for me I am going with epoxy.
PS Starting back working on it tommorrow. Updates soon