NEVER release an aquarium fish into the wild.

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It is just stupidity in this day and age putting any type of animal into the wild as everyone should know the problems it can cause.

Here in the UK we have a problem with Crayfish (American I believe) being released into our rivers and they are wiping out our own Crayfish.

I guess every country has this type of problem.

I wish they would get real.
So I shouldn't throw all my snakeheads into the river? Sushi instead? Just kidding I haven't had a snakehead since college. He broke out of the tank and became a crispy critter for the cats to play with.
wow its amazing how stupid people are. a pond in my backyard thats connected to a small river had a bag of goldfish dumped in it and now there are foot long gold fish overtaking the pond and im sure the new babies will get in the stream and onto other ponds. I'v tryed to get rid of the goldfish but man they breed like crazy!
ewurm;272711; said:
Also saw a thread with someone releasing snapping turtles...I don't know about turtles but this sounds like a bad idea as well.

I realize this thread is old as dirt, but Turtles are the worst. I have a red-eared slider turtle (captive bred), they are native to my area and have been released WORLDWIDE, and are threating native turtle populations everywhere. It is now illegal to import RES to several countries. It's all well and good to pass laws saying you can't release an animal into the wild, but laws should also be passed saying you should give proper info when selling an animal. Most people who buy RES buy them when they are 4" long, never realizing that females can have a carapace length of up to a foot, or that proper housing and care is very expensive. My male's CL is only 7", making him very small, but he was 5" and 7 years old when i got him (14 now) and stunted due to improper husbandry. I SHUDDER when i see RES at my local chain store, for surely the poor things will not live long.
Kinggreenterror;4709241; said:
yea this is true but idk i would still rather release it in wild lol. how cool would it be to go fishing for Green Terrors lol!
I rather see you get a fine for release non-native fish in the wild. As for fishing for green terrors, buy a ticket for a trip to Hawaii.
Sadly when I was 11 I helped a neighbor take down his tank. He had a pacu, a pleco, and a gourami from what I remember. I asked what do with the fish and he told me put them in the creek behind his house. I didnt know what I was doing at the time and I fully regret it to this day. I know the pacu and gourami probably died from the cold but the pleco probably survived. I am now fully against releasing anything from captivity, regardless if it is native or not.
Kinggreenterror;4709241; said:
yea this is true but idk i would still rather release it in wild lol. how cool would it be to go fishing for Green Terrors lol!

I think it would be about as cool as fishing for a rock bass or sunfish. Green Terrors are a tiny fish. GTs on the other hand, now that would be cool.
tunerX;4734292; said:
I think it would be about as cool as fishing for a rock bass or sunfish. Green Terrors are a tiny fish. GTs on the other hand, now that would be cool.

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