Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: Gold Jaguar cichlid

How many: 2

How long trying: had them from 11/06/2010, bought them breeding size
Any successful spawns already: they had spawned and fertilized the eggs but my jd ate them

Set up: 55G tank
species: Lamprologus ocellatus
How many: 2 breeding pairs
How long trying: about a month
any successful spawns: no
set up:55 gal. tank
Species.....Melanochromis Auratus
How many.7 Have at least 2males
Had a couple of weeks
any successful they are just getting used to each other
Cant remember tank size.Decor is rocky bottom and piles of rocks
species honduran red point how many got lucking and ended up with a breeding pair to my amazment whoke up one morning with about 40 free swimming fry 7 of of them survived set up 20 gallon tank with rock caves triggers female went into hiding for awhile rearranged the tank expect the second brood any day now, 50 percent water change with tempurture increae
Species: black convicts

How many: 1(2-1/2" male) 1(1-1/4" female)

How long trying: female introdused 5 hours ago

Any successful spawns already: No female is to small i think

Set up: 20long - with sand substarate and pebbles on top,200gph filter with sponge on the intake pipe

Any triggers/other information :not yet may try water change/also the male has been bighting her anal fin and chasing her is that normal? :confused:
me and my dad are wanting to breed albino bushynose sorry no pics I have a male albino bristle nose and a regular female and we have 3 pairs that we are trying to breed but we just got a breeding pair from aquabid both albinos
that we have in a breeding tank
We have a fairly long list will try and condense format.
9 rostratus spawned afew times 2 sucesses
150&180g tanks with sand substrate and rock caves
not sure of any real triggers try water temp changes
been trying11 months

blue dophins 4/2 pair 1 spawn still just eggs but looking ok
150g with the rostratus
don't seem to need trigger
trying 2 months

group of ruby greens several sucessful spawn sold some offspring to lfs
90g tank sand bottom caves and a few fake plants
always breeding
been breeding about 8 months

nebuli same as ruby greens

group of tropheus moori nodoli bay afew spawns 5 fry for sure others still holding
120g sand substrate corral hiding pile middle tank
no real trigger for breeding just maturity
been growing out from imported fry at it 7 months

3 red spot gold severum 2 spawns got to free swimmers and died
180 and a 230 community tanks
patience and luck always pulled eggs
been trying 15 months

pair of festae 1 sucessful spawn fry at quarter inch now
230 community tank
not sure maybe sudden drop in ware temp simulatingrainy season
only had them 2 months we're happy

trio nics several spawns great sucess maybe worse than convits sold some to lfs
180 community tank sand substrate and caves
trigger appears to be maturity and water
had them over a year not really trying now may start using for feeders

pair of lutino oscars spawned twice no luck hoping they are just too young
230 community tank
trigger may be sudden water temp change like the festae
beengrowing out just over a year now

4 red and pair of turquoise jewels swveral sucessful spawns sold some juves
turquoise 80g reds 30 and community 180
no real trigger
been breeding about 18months now

10 blue moba fronts still immature
currently 160 bowfront will move to a six foot 180
not sure about a trigger
got them at about 6 inches 4 months ago

10 endlers can't cout how many spawns or fry
25g densely covered tank bare bottom
trigger must be seeing one another
had them about 4 months

endler guppy cross bought for feeders to be raised at home just about ready to start feeding out juvies. bought at fish auction 4 months ago

motezuma swords 6 now over populated sold some to lfs and used some for feeders
30g long tank fake and real p;ants one end
just had to mature to start breeding
had them about 1 year now

4 kendali 4 spawns for sure first ones about inch and a half now
90g tank numerous caves and gravel bottom
not sure what triggers a spawn and you don;t know they did till you see free swimmers
got juves about a year ago heard we would be lucky if they ever spawned

3 5 bar cichlids 2 mature and one juve nothing yet hoping we will have a pair.

bp x texas to create red texas 2 spawns growing out juves to see what we get.

3 dayglos several spawns great sucess
30g tank sand bottom and places for females to hide
no real trigger but males can be a little rough more females might help
been breeding now about 6 months

several kinds of peacocks won't go into details but very sucessful
That about wraps it up but always looking for more to try. There should be a warning that this is a highly addictive hobby and parental supervision is advised.
species: everglades pygmy sunfish
How many: unsure
How long trying: getting them on wednesday hopefully
any successful spawns: no
set up: nano tank with with sand or graval, barral ornement, loads of plants and floating plants.
Species: jaguar, dovii x umbee

How many:1Male 2 Female

How long trying: roughly 3 months

Any successful spawns already:yes

Set up:135 gallon natural setup

Any triggers/other information :increase temp to 82F