Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Nandopsis Haitiensis;
M:~6" F:`4-5"
Fry: tons
Spawns: 3 so far
have 2 pair breeding and working on 2 to 3rd spaw one group i have a male srt and a female kkp on 2nd spaw in a feww weeks and othe group is a male g texas and a kkp for the peals iam after on that group
Parachromis loisellie raised from fry(about half an inch) and now over a year old

M 9" - F 6" both F1

spawned 3 times so far and she is full of eggs again

hundreds of fry

75gallon tank - 405 and ac 110 - 78deg - 7.0 - massivore delight once a day - once a week water changes
jags 2 pairs how long trying? 2 months spawned for the first time last night. Bloody parrot fish 2 pairs each color I have 8 differant colors how long trying 4 months 2 many spawns 2 remember.
Species gold severums and green severums 1 pair each how long trying 1 month only 1 spawn from each pair so far. I will attempt to breed my calvus next year.
thats it for now.
3 seperate rtm tanks. all bread many times
festae tank male 14 inch female 9 inch. fry none. been together 3 months
2 salvini tanks. both several times
3 red texas tanks. only 1 spawn
1 istlanum tank. bread 2 times
1 managuense red tex 1 spawn so far. all fry made it t0 1/2 inch and were eaten.
1 dovii tank bread 3 times. female recently jumped out of the tank and i found her too late =(
soon ill have cuban, hait, carpintis, and doviixconvict up and hopefully breeding
species:Tiger Oscar
how many:2, both are between 16-17 inches
how long trying:2 years
any success:2 successful batches of little baby oscars!
set up:240 gal with sand and slate for them to lay
any triggers:feed live food and decrease tempurature
Species: Gourami (Blue male and opaline female)

How many: 1 couple

How long trying: 1 week

Any successful spawns already: no

Set up: 10 gal w/20 gal Top Fin filter

Any triggers/other information : When is the bubble nest ready? When is the female ready?