Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Species:Jaguar x Festae= MAnaconda

How many: 40 2 inchers

How long trying: 1 week

Any successful spawns already: no

Set up: 30 gallon then a 180 gallon

Any triggers/other information
I just got 4 frontosa, pretty small right now, i have been pretty much just a c/sa cichlid guy but i have moved into africans, i have 1 m 3 f im going to attempt to breed them, i have moderatly high salt and a ph of 8.. they are still to small but i hope within 8 months they will be mature enough to breed. i just put them in tonight i would take pics but i dont want to turn the light on yet, theyve had a stressful day and i want them to chill. will post very soon though.
Nice what sizes are the tank?

Convict Cichlids

How many:

1 Male, 1 female and 3 fry in another tank

How long trying:

Female laid eggs within a few days of introducing her. The first day was my male chasing her around relentlessly; after that period they got along great.

Any successful spawns already:

1. My female was so small she only laid 20 eggs.

Standard 20 gallon.

Any triggers/other information :

watcha got...

Well I've read that when you introduce them, they like to "test" each other first; see if they are capable of defending a potential nest. If they make it through that period, it's smooth sailing.
Sajica Cichlid AKA T-Bar Cichlid
How many:
3 inch male : 2 inch female
How long trying:
2 days
Any successful spawns already:
No. Still acclimating
a 10 gallon for the adults, will upgrade to a 30 in a few months. a 55 gallon bucket with sponge filters for fry
Any triggers/other information :
The LFS I bought them claim that they have spawned before. 20% water change every 3-4 days
breeding is a nice thing taking care of the fry and feeding them seeing them growing is really a nice thing

Species: fighter

How many: more than 10 times

How long trying: for past 5 years

Any successful spawns already: more than 5 times

Set up:small tub

Any triggers/other information :

Species: Gold fish

How many:5 times

How long trying:past 2 years

Any successful spawns already: 3 times

Set up:big tub

Any triggers/other information : cross breeding gives excellent fry


How many: 1 time

How long trying:currently

Any successful spawns already: no

Set up:14 gallon tank

Any triggers/other information : no
Species: Blue Spotted Sunfish

How many: 1 male, 2 female

How long trying: Just got them now, just starting

Any successful spawns already: No

Set up: 20 gallon long, no heater, plants, sand and rocks

Any triggers/other information : none


Species: Red wiggler worms

How many: Started with 1000

How long trying: Several months

Any successful spawns already: Oh yes, they produce alot

Set up: 8 gallon plastic tub, newspaper bedding

Any triggers/other information : Keep them in a cool dark area, feed them vegetable and fruit scraps, keep them moist with water, and make sure to turn their bedding weekly or biweekly.


Species: Scuds (Gammarus sp)

How many: 100

How long trying: Just got them

Any successful spawns already: No

Set up: 12 gallon plastic tub, few floating plants and lots of plant clippings. Tub is outdoors

Any triggers/other information : I hear to just feed them plant clippings and decaying plants and they will do the rest


Species: Daphnia

How many: 700

How long trying: Just started

Any successful spawns already: Not yet

Set up: 12 gallon platic tub outdoors with some plants

Any triggers/other information : Feed them green water


Species: Microworms

How many: 1 oz culture

How long trying: Just starting, nothing yet

Any successful spawns already: Not yet

Set up: Small plastic containers with oatmeal, baby cereal and yest

Any triggers/other information : None
Species: Convict Cichlids

How many: 2 females, 4 males

How long trying: 6 days

Any successful spawns already: 2

Set up: All six cons in growout tank with Balas, FSG and a African Lungfish
My Orange/Red Head Tapajos have been breeding like rabbits, but since I have 2 males, the fries have not been able to survive.
I have not had much time to tend to them as well. If and when I find some time, I will strip the female after the wigglers are free swimming.
after a sucessful spawn and raising of the Red Heads I will start a Festae project soon.

1. Orange Red head Tapajos (Breeding)
2. Festae (prepping
3. Umbee