Species: Blue Spotted Sunfish
How many: 1 male, 2 female
How long trying: Just got them now, just starting
Any successful spawns already: No
Set up: 20 gallon long, no heater, plants, sand and rocks
Any triggers/other information : none
Species: Red wiggler worms
How many: Started with 1000
How long trying: Several months
Any successful spawns already: Oh yes, they produce alot
Set up: 8 gallon plastic tub, newspaper bedding
Any triggers/other information : Keep them in a cool dark area, feed them vegetable and fruit scraps, keep them moist with water, and make sure to turn their bedding weekly or biweekly.
Species: Scuds (Gammarus sp)
How many: 100
How long trying: Just got them
Any successful spawns already: No
Set up: 12 gallon plastic tub, few floating plants and lots of plant clippings. Tub is outdoors
Any triggers/other information : I hear to just feed them plant clippings and decaying plants and they will do the rest
Species: Daphnia
How many: 700
How long trying: Just started
Any successful spawns already: Not yet
Set up: 12 gallon platic tub outdoors with some plants
Any triggers/other information : Feed them green water
Species: Microworms
How many: 1 oz culture
How long trying: Just starting, nothing yet
Any successful spawns already: Not yet
Set up: Small plastic containers with oatmeal, baby cereal and yest
Any triggers/other information : None