Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Species: Marble Angelfish

How many: 2

How long trying: 1 month

Any successful spawns already: 1 fry survived

Set up: 20 gallon with multiple breeding surfaces.

Extra information: Having the male Angelfish tested for ADD. He would rather beg for food than fertilize eggs. All of the eggs were eaten on the only batch that he did fertilize.
This summer the cichlids have been quite prolific, I end up pouring about 2 or 3 gallons of green water with daphnia, just to keep up.
4th spawn in as many months from a semi-blind pair of nicaraguense

2nd spawn from HRPs

1st spawn from panamense, eggs just below the lip of the flower pot

1st spawn for Cryptoheros myrnae

had half dozen from these multispinossa but as yet, no fry

pulled a bunch of Cichlasoma dimerus from the pond the other day

and finally there is a 2nd spawn from Ptychochromis sp "tarantsy"

So nice to see you're breeding fishes from Costa Rica, I personally know the lady after which C. myrnae got their name from. Hope you succeed in your projects!

Saludos vecino!

I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: Jack Dempsey/ Electric Blue

How many: 3 pair of Jack Dempsey

How long trying: 3 months

Any successful spawns already: 3 so far with a new pair nesting, and a possibly my first electric blue and regular Jack pair (still watching)

Set up: individual tanks, from 55 gallon to 20 depending on the size of the pair

Any triggers/other information : idk

watcha got...
Species: dwarf flowerhorn cichlid

How many: 2

How long trying: 1 week

Any successful spawns already: 7 fry survived

Set up: 20 gallon

Extra information: the fry won't grow. They look like tadpoles.

Their parent are as big as normal flowerhorn (father 's around 8" and mother's around 6"). They gave normal baby fry a couple times. On the third time they gave some dwarf looking fry. Their appearance look like normal flowerhorn but the size. They are not like bonzai or shortbody. Some look like kirin, but they are not strong.

I'll post the pics as soon as I get permission.

There're more of my breeding projects that i'm on. I'll post them soon with some pics.


These are my dwarf flowerhorn cichlids. The male maximum length is 2" (the one in the middle). The female maximum length is 1".
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I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: black aro

How many: 10

How long trying: 3 months in growout 12-24 inch range

Any successful spawns already:...check back in a year or two

Set up: currently in 400 gallon....not the final breeding tank

Any triggers/other information :
Sick i alway wanted to breed these GL. Keep us updated
Species: Andinoacara pulcher

how many: had 4, now just 2

how long trying: 1 year

any successful spawns already: 4 (currently have 50+ survivors, ranging from 1/2"-1".

setup: 60g + 4 10g fry tanks
Species: Amphilophus Citrinellus (F1)

How many: 2: 1M F1 Rio Tempisque / 1F F1 Siquirres, CR (First female was also F1 Rio Tempisque, but was killed after 2nd spawn...)

How long trying: ~10 months

Any successful spawns already: 2 spawns between the Rio Tempisque M/F -none with the Siquirres Female, yet...

Set up: 125g 6' tank with PFS, a few larger rocks, and scattered pebbles w/ Sponge filter and K1 moving bed filter

Any triggers/other information: Mirrors. I used two mirrors at the corner where I had the terracotta pot for them to lay eggs and they spawned within 24 hours

Whatcha got: First batch of fry ended with just 3, survival of the fittest. Second batch stayed in with the pair, gave them all away around 1.5"

(attempted to upload pictures, but I can't seem to upload any photos to MFK right now...)