Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Species: Green terror

How many: 2: 1 male 1 female

How long trying: ~0 days

Any successful spawns already: not sure but the eggs are there and there are little white things fly around the tank every were now they all settled around the glass edges

Set up: 300 liter tank fluval internal filter, fluval external filter, 2 internal filters 2 heaters 50w and 300w. tank is 3ft high and 3ft wide

Any triggers/other information: the male terror thinks everything is a punch bag excluding the female

Whatcha got: eggs and maybe fry?


are they fry or just random white things i dont know
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Reactions: YankeeJack
Species: Green terror

How many: 2: 1 male 1 female

How long trying: ~0 days

Any successful spawns already: not sure but the eggs are there and there are little white things fly around the tank every were now they all settled around the glass edges

Set up: 300 liter tank fluval internal filter, fluval external filter, 2 internal filters 2 heaters 50w and 300w. tank is 3ft high and 3ft wide

Any triggers/other information: the male terror thinks everything is a punch bag excluding the female

Whatcha got: eggs and maybe fry?


are they fry or just random white things i dont know

When the eggs hatch the fry will be wrigglers with egg sacs after they absorb the egg sac they will become free swimming but from the vid don't think that is fry.
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Reactions: terrorG
Congrats Let me know if you see wrigglers the area the parents are protecting.
would MTS snails eat green terror eggs? i will do :) will even send you one with the ammount of eggs i got lol if your in uk
would MTS snails eat green terror eggs? i will do :) will even send you one with the ammount of eggs i got lol if your in uk

Did a little research on the MTS and some say they won't eat eggs. Thanks for the kind words but I'm in the US.:)
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Reactions: terrorG
Wow who ate them?
the guy some reason all the eggs had disappered so put my MTSs in and the terrors turned dark before so thought they would clean up :) but for some reason the female is going mental swimming around
My first attempt to breed fish ever :D

Zebra Danio

How many:
5, 2 females, 2 males and one unsure

How long trying:
1 week

Any successful spawns already:
none successful, i suspect that they have spawned before in their 15 gallon and ate the eggs

Set up:
very ghetto, 5 gallon running a prefilter sponge cycled in my 70 using an airpump. Females are housed in there to fatten up and for spawning, males are in the 15 for now

Any triggers/other information :
Im going to try cool water changes to trigger spawning.

Ill move the spawners together when my experimental inforusia cultures are ready and going.

watcha got...
nothing yet, hopefully i will soon