Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
With egg scatters like Danio's you will need a suspended floor for the eggs to fall through. Even a suspended basket to put the adults in will work. they spawn all the time you just need to protect the eggs from them.
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Species: angelfish

How many: 1 breeding pair (if thats what that means)

How long trying: about 8 months

Any successful spawns already: no but I'm optimistic about current spawn

Set up: 20 gallon, 1 sponge filter and a an adjustable bubbler

Any triggers/other information : doing frequent water changes every other day (hadn't been doing until now). also they recently took a serious temp drop went from 80 to 68, totally my fault, I was cleaning off the heater buildup
the babies are growing MUCH faster with all the water changes
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I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: Male FH Fader and Female local FH

How many:2

How long trying: Once

Any successful spawns already: eggs got spoiled due to water temperature was too cold

Set up: now equipped heater temperature meter.

Any triggers/other information : if your fishes intimates that they are going to make spawns ,act promptly and check the water quality and temperature.

watcha got...[ i 'll update soon having got the breed of my local specials FH's]
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Reactions: Red Devil
With egg scatters like Danio's you will need a suspended floor for the eggs to fall through. Even a suspended basket to put the adults in will work. they spawn all the time you just need to protect the eggs from them.

You could also spawn them successfully on marble or river pebbles. very easy, just have to make sure to remove the adults after spawning, as the adults are as mentioned above, cannibalistic towards their offspring.[/QUOTE]
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Reactions: Red Devil
I;'ve been breeding flowerhorn x texas cichlid they breed ever 2 weeks to two months and Ive gotten so far like 6-7 batches around 50-300 each have them in 20 gallon long but when they fight I seperate them and they are both 5inch
Species: Pelvicachromis roloffi
How many: Pair
How long trying: Just recently
Any successful spawns already: Nope
Set up: 10 gallon to start with
Any triggers/other information : No

Species: Several different types of Apistogramma
How many: All pairs
How long trying: They're still growing
Any successful spawns already: The fish aren't old enough
Set up: 10 gallons
Any triggers/other information: Tanks have many different tannin-leaking materials.
I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...


How many:

How long trying:

Any successful spawns already:

Set up:

Any triggers/other information :

watcha got...
I've recently become a pappie I saved only six red texas hybrids that are only 3 weeks old and habe a big batch of newborns only 1 week old of electric blue texas and red dragon flowerhorn hybrids just finishing yolk sac time to see what the future holds I'm a proud father
I would love to see your fish if you had pictures because Ive recently breed a red dragon flowerhorn and electric blue Texas they are still feeding on yolk sac but congrats on your experience of breeding aint nothing like a hybrid
Lets keep this going
Species: Neocaradina davidi, sakura cherry shrimp

How many: around 18

How long trying: had them for 4 days

Any successful spawns already: not exactly

Set up: 8 gallon aquascape tank. Lots of plants

Any triggers/other information : they have displayed the breeding behaviour yesterday that has now died down. Females have the yellow saddle that indicates a readiness to breed and the males went crazy yesterday trying to breed

Trying to improve their colour long term