Sculpins ROCK! I have Mottled sculpins.
YAY!! more sculpin keeper!!! got any pics?
very nice! water seems like its prob a bit warm but very nice anyways. sculpin seem to be doin well. i need to get more. such an agro fish. so cool.
the tank stays at about 60-65 with the fan on top...thats in a room with a space heater set at 75-80, they have been in these temps sens the day i got them (almost 2 years for the large one now)
these were collected from a lake in the height of summer where the shores in witch i collected them from had water temps in the 85 and up range.
i had no luck what so ever with sculpin collected from streams where the water was much colder all year round^_^
the main female has grown from about 1/4 inch to 6 inches in about a year.