Nice, you know my Copadichromis borleyi (the red fin ones) for some reason lost all there color when I put them into a tank where they are the biggest fish.
Anyways I got my shipment in, sadly an Placidochromis sp phenochilus didn't make it. But I have some quick shots. (And as I type colors are blazing all over the tank, will take a vid.)
So the three fish I have never had before:
Fossorochromis rostratus: (He is small but will grow up nice and big, right now the yellow labs are going head to head with him.)
Placidochromis electra: (Wow this little guy has gonads, he is going head to head with the German Red that is twice his size, and his coloring went from nothing to suddenly full blast in an instant when he hit the tank.)
And I had to get this guy... After seeing malawi haps

Note, still have to figure out a good way to take photos of him, albinos are always hard, but this guy is even harder. IE his face is hard to photo right.
Albino Flavescent:
And I had to get this guy since my last one killed himself by the rocks. (He would scrape off half of his skin, it would heal then he would do it again, eventually he didn't recover from one scraping too many. It wasn't pritty...)
Jake Hongi:
And last but by no means least (IE best for last)...
Then I needed one for my 135, since the other guy is in essence blind and needs a substrate free floor to find food. Oh and this is a stunner, large, and blue based. (For those of you that don't know that is the much harder to find OB base.)
OB Ahli:
Quick 4 minute vid of the tank will be up in a few.