I happen to be a personal friend of the owner of New Life, and also a wholesale distributor of NLS in Canada. Having said that, I was promoting the use of this food long before I knew who Pablo Tepoot was, and long before I had any type of vested interest in any brand of fish food.
As I have stated repeatedly in this & other discussions, how much each individual wants to invest in the overall health & longevity of their fish is a decision that only they can make. I'm not holding a gun to anyone's head, and if you are pleased with the results you see, and your cost on the food that you are using, then by all means keep feeding it.
No problem.
Good thing some of you don't live in Canada, BA's sells NLS 5lb pails up here for $110.00
This thread is about Kens food vs NLS, and beyond Pablo Tepoot himself I don't think that you'll find anyone better versed in NLS food, hence the reason I typically join in on these types of discussions.
If your wife is indeed a vet, and she has any type of background in animal nutrition (in this case fish) then you shouldn't need me to explain any of this to you. Brand names have nothing to do with it, Xtreme is every bit a brand name as New Life. If you take the time to read what I've posted, it should become crystal clear as to why you don't need someone wearing a white lab coat to explain the differences in some of these products.
cichlids will do ok on generic farm feed at $25 per 50lb bag, but that doesn't equate to them being "better" for the long term health of the fish.
The reality is that the type of research that you are asking for is never going to happen. Name me one company that would be willing to go head to head with NLS in any type of feed trial, or have their product analysed & compared by an accredited unbiased third party for nutrient value, next to NLS. Let me know when you find someone that's willing to take the challenge.
In the mean time, name one other fish food manufacturer that can show you fish such as those shown in the link below, that have been thriving in captivity for 10-15 yrs, on an exclusive diet of their pellets or flakes.
Or another manufacturer that has kept "groups" of Moorish Idol thriving in captivity for even 1 yr, let alone 5+ yrs such as what Pablo achieved before a system failure during a hurricane wiped that tank out.
I'll save you some time - no one ever has. Not Hikari, not Xtreme, not Ken, nor anyone else. Period.
Anyone can keep a Moorish Idol or Achilles Tang alive in captivity for a brief period of time, but very few manage to keep these fish alive & thriving for
years. In the past, many hobbyists would treat these fish with a cut flower mentality, and simply replace them with a new fish when they withered away. Today, there are many hobbyists world-wide that have found that IF their fish are provided with an optimum diet such as what's found in NLS, they too can keep these "doomed in captivity" species, for
These delicate fish are the true acid test when it comes to nutrient levels in fish feed, not cichlids. Try feeding a generic farm feed to some of these species & see what happens. They won't make it to the 90 day mark.
Kieron Dodds, from Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine wrote an article on the Moorish Idol in 2008, titled; "Still Impossible After All These Years - Keeping Moorish Idol". He clearly admits that the main intent of his article was to discourage anyone from acquiring this species, as he feels this fish has almost no chance in being kept alive in captivity beyond a very short duration. At one point in the article he states
"Pablo Tepoot is perhaps the single individual who has had the most success with this species" - unfortunately Pablo lost his last group of Moorish Idol to an electrical failure during a hurricane, at that point Pablo had kept them thriving in captivity for
5 years.
This is something that most people would have considered impossible 15 or 20 yrs ago. Many still do today, yet it can, and has been done.
Keep in mind that I never said that anyone has to feed NLS, or even that they should, I'm simply comparing formulas/brands, something that doesn't require a team of scientists to explain, or someone with a PhD to understand.