Spin-off Thread: How does Kensfish Food Stack Up Against NLS?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
HrHagel;4082589; said:
I mix my own food, from 4 different brands. Flakes, sticks, pellets, granules, all gets mixed together and fed at the same time.
The fishes eats everything and doesn't avoid any of the foods.

Easyest way to cover your fish's entire needs imo, or have i been missing something this entire time?

I think the question would be are you increasing the value of what you feed with that variety or are you diminishing the returns by diluting the good stuff with inferior stuff?

Time to setup some more experiment tanks! (I like spending money for other people!!!)
cchhcc;4082598; said:
I think the question would be are you increasing the value of what you feed with that variety or are you diminishing the returns by diluting the good stuff with inferior stuff?
All foods are premium foods, so i can't really see any negative sides to this way of feeding
I found when I fed NLS the fish pooped a rather orange poop. This is clearly the result of what ever "orange colored" ingredient is in the food passing through the digestive tract undigested. Digestibility is important, and I am not sure I would rate NLS very good in that department.
cchhcc;4082591; said:
What's a few more tanks? Hah!

It would be interesting to see what happens if you feed LESS of the NLS than the Extreme. I never did that in my tests. I just was looking for growth, general health, waste, color, etc. Although it wouldn't change my choice food, I'd be interested to know what the cost analysis is.

It surely seems like I get away with feeding less NLS, but I can't really quantify it exactly.


RD, what would your opinion be as far as percentage wise that NLS has to be fed compared to other brands? Would you say that I can feed 20% less with NLS, more, less? I realize that this number can't be set in stone so I certainly don't hold you to an exact number. But I would like to feed a certain percent less of the NLS in my experiment to see if I can indeed feed less of it and get the same growth. That way I can go back at the end of it and see if it really does come out close to the same cost.

Just give me a ballpark starting number percentage wise that you would expect to be able to feed less from your experience.
I take largely the same approach with my feeding:

Kensfish for flakes (color and Tropheus lovers) and Extreme (or NLS) for pellets. Sometimes I cut the Extreme or NLS pellets with Kensfish pellets... I find that both Extreme and NLS are high quality for pellets...better than Hikari.

And I also feed a lot of live red wiggler worms (have my own culture)...


jgentry;4082005; said:
I've used a ton of different brands and have had good success with most of them.

Personally I currently feed extreme pellets in all 3 sizes and a mix of different flake foods from Kensfish. My fish eat the extreme pellets as well if not better then anything else I have purchased and I haven't seen any negative difference in fish colors, or growth etc. I feed the flake mixtures to small fry and they seem to do fine as well. As soon as they are big enough I switch them to the smallest extreme pellets though. I have way to many fish to feed hikari or NLS.
If you have a scale.... feed to satiation once or twice a day.

Measure out an equal quantity of food for all tanks and all feeds each day, with the portions getting placed in a labeled plastic dixie cup or something. Feed to satiation and reweigh the remaining food. This way the fish tell you the percentage rather than have RD make an educated guess.
kdrun76;4082602; said:
I found when I fed NLS the fish pooped a rather orange poop. This is clearly the result of what ever "orange colored" ingredient is in the food passing through the digestive tract undigested. Digestibility is important, and I am not sure I would rate NLS very good in that department.

Same thing happened to me when I first started feeding it. Then someone told me I didn't have to feed as much. I think what you're seeing is unused/undigested food. See what happens when you feed less.
cchhcc;4082625; said:
Same thing happened to me when I first started feeding it. Then someone told me I didn't have to feed as much. I think what you're seeing is unused/undigested food. See what happens when you feed less.

LOL I was feeding a 15" cichlid 3 pellets of the 10mm sized food a day for a week. If three pellets is over feeding, than this food is better than the biscuits/ crackers the hobbits eat.
When'd you do that? Didn't the 10mm just come out? That stuff is wayyyyy different than any other NLS I've used. Definitely for the monsters.

I feed mostly the smaller stuff.
RD.;4082030; said:
As I have stated time & time again.

yes you have, and very well, and then some more, and even included trivia ... LOL

I do appreciate your knowledge, but you come across as a salesemen workin a bit too hard to sell his product, impress us all with your verbosity, and shut out all other comments.

your response to me, for example, could have just as easily been a quick statment pointing out the difference between farm and private collections and that the food stock used at New Life Exotic has changed to NLS... but instead we get a lengthy discourse on the number, size, and gallonage of the New Life farm including everything but a planogram. Then you discuss your relationship with Pablo as if it were a credential. All this without aknowledging the point that a decission was made to feed a food of lesser quality for economical reasons and the fish produced were concidered premium in every way. The fact that they changed over to NLS once it became economicaly viable does not change that.

Perhaps the discussion of NLS (a premium top nutritional brand @ $12/lb) Vs Ken's Fish (an economical alternative bulk food @ $5/lb or less) is a bit apples and oranges, but let people post without repeating yourself over and over.