I think it's important to note that both opinions may be right. It may not make economical sense for people who have hundreds or fish to feed NLS. You may also be satisfied with the results you get with "X" brand, there are certainly lots of Hikari, Omega, Kensfish, etc. fish on this site that look just fine. We may be pairing it down so finely that there is a point of diminishing returns when one utilizes a premium brand. This may be an irrelevant conversation when talking about most bullet-proof cichlids and the like. It's just not that hard to care for such animals.
However, it is when a food company claims product superiority that a discussion like this becomes relevant. I've seen several of the companies claim to have the best this or that. However, the science doesn't support most of those companies, but it does support NLS.
Also, just because someone is a seller of a product doesn't necessarily mean their opinion is predjudiced. I would expect a vendor to defend his/her claim with statments of fact and through the supply of independent analysis. It is refreshing that RD takes the time to address and and all questions, and he does so without any air of defensiveness. One of the site sponsors is a food company, and they don't even answer questions in their own forum with any regularity. Some other sellers just cry "FOUL!" at the mere hint of a question!
RD welcomes these conversations because he knows he is at an advantage in any objective review of the science. He doesn't (like some) just make fantastic claims only to disappear from further discussion. As the saying goes, "Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing!" I think he's in a good spot to be selling something he has faith in!
Since scientific info tends to put some people to sleep, here's a little anecdotal evidence that might be of value. Go to a really good reef store, not a pet shop but a true reef specialist store. Take a look at what pelleted foods they are selling. You'll find NLS to be the pellet du jour of advanced reef keepers.
Most people, however, will buy and be satisfied based on their opinion. Besides, there are more children being raised on Chicken McNuggets than on free range chicken, so why should we expect a more discriminating spirit be utilized on your fish?
As for tests, I've done some on my own, and I find NLS to be worth the cost (though I still don't find it so expensive when bought in bulk). A friend and I laughed the other day when someone said he just bought ANOTHER 200 gallon tank........only to later say he couldn't afford NLS! Hahaha!
However, it is when a food company claims product superiority that a discussion like this becomes relevant. I've seen several of the companies claim to have the best this or that. However, the science doesn't support most of those companies, but it does support NLS.
Also, just because someone is a seller of a product doesn't necessarily mean their opinion is predjudiced. I would expect a vendor to defend his/her claim with statments of fact and through the supply of independent analysis. It is refreshing that RD takes the time to address and and all questions, and he does so without any air of defensiveness. One of the site sponsors is a food company, and they don't even answer questions in their own forum with any regularity. Some other sellers just cry "FOUL!" at the mere hint of a question!
RD welcomes these conversations because he knows he is at an advantage in any objective review of the science. He doesn't (like some) just make fantastic claims only to disappear from further discussion. As the saying goes, "Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing!" I think he's in a good spot to be selling something he has faith in!
Since scientific info tends to put some people to sleep, here's a little anecdotal evidence that might be of value. Go to a really good reef store, not a pet shop but a true reef specialist store. Take a look at what pelleted foods they are selling. You'll find NLS to be the pellet du jour of advanced reef keepers.
Most people, however, will buy and be satisfied based on their opinion. Besides, there are more children being raised on Chicken McNuggets than on free range chicken, so why should we expect a more discriminating spirit be utilized on your fish?
As for tests, I've done some on my own, and I find NLS to be worth the cost (though I still don't find it so expensive when bought in bulk). A friend and I laughed the other day when someone said he just bought ANOTHER 200 gallon tank........only to later say he couldn't afford NLS! Hahaha!