OOOHHHH! this is so sad... it reminds me of the blood parrot I lost recently and I was having a bad day already and I come home to that. I was balling like a baby..... until that point I didn't realize how much I love my babies. Sorry to all and my they all R.I.P in a watery heaven.
rocky my red zebra kenyi finally peeved off his tank mates for the last time. I moved him from tank to tank to tank and no matter the decor no matter the size he just generally had a bad attitude. Well came in and found what was left of him yesterday.
This one is a little worse. Was at the aquarium society fish auction yesterday and got a nice channa bleheri(very hard to get around here) put him in the tank with my other two and their flitter tankmates(foodsource). I noticed there were only two in the tank and spent over an hour looking for the new one and could not find it. This morning I found it dried up and over 23 feet from its tank. I have heard stories of them reviving in water so as a chance the body is moisturizing will post pic later