vieja zonatus

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
These littlw guys are doing well. Heave great appetites but geez they really dont like eachother. Kind of hard to choose who stays and who goes.

These guys are growing much faster than other vieja ive kept. Starting to show more colors too. I reduced the number to 6 and probably will further reduce it to 4. Im hoping i have time to keep more than just one and they dont outgrow or kill each other in the 75. I would hate to buy a larger tank before we move (this year).

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They're looking good I've always contemplated getting these or sp. coatzacoalcos
That was my same choices at the time. Alsways want zonatus plus aquamojo said his had more personality than the coatzcoalcos. I dont think you could go wrong either way
They are starting to put on some size and have freat appetites. I just wish i dodnt have to keep this tank in my basement. I think the lack of foot traffic is making them more skittish....the more time i spend down there the more social they become...then a few days go by where i only have time to feed them and take a quick look and they go to being skittish

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Im debating on abandoning the whole breeding/pairing project and just keeping the best looking fish. How do these guys do as a single wet pet and how would they do with non cichlid tankates such as a polypterus?

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Down to 3

They totally ingore the danios. Too busy beating on each other.
Weird body lanuage at the end of the vid havent seen them act like that yet.

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