Not a lot has changed with my eye. My doctor has be doing and injection every two weeks. The medication seems to be helping the internal swelling subside which in turn has improved my vision some.
I'm still not driving or riding my bike and have been telecommuting for work. Fortunately, I have a job that I can do that. Stretching my work day out over the course of 24 hours, an hour or so here and there, instead of regular 8:30 - 5 has helped a lot. It allows me to rest my eye.
With all the medical bills, the tank seemed like it was going to be put off for quite a while. Then a friend called me tonight to tell me about the post about the free liner offer. I can't help but think someone up there likes me.
If this liner deal happens, expect to see the tank finished and filled shortly. I know it's been a long time coming, but that's the way life goes sometimes.
I'll try to get some pics of all the torts/turtles, dragons, and fish soon. I have about 800 red devil fry right now about to burst a 55 gallon drum. Our latest turtle addition is a diamondback terrapin.