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STOP YOUR STUPID "FACTS"!!! the only fact of the matter is that you are simply mistaken. What. are you going to try to tell me that red tail catfish only get 2 feet and then literally YELL at me "IT IS VERIFIED"!!!! blah blah... have u even ever been here? probably not. and again, you are looking at FISHING stuff. and heres a "FACT" for ya, only 1/3 of fish caught are varified... meaning if you split it up to 2/3 approxamatly 63.3% of fish caught are never officially measured so there are LOTS of fish larger then your "verified records".
sorry to come across rude but me and alot of other MFKers do not agree with you...

I doubt, mel, greenterra, ruck fules, mojo, mel, or any other truly respected keeper here, disagrees with it. I mean mel has the Largest dovii on this forum, and he estimates him to be 22-24'' I believe.
First off, seeing a fish in person MEANS nothing. You know how many times somebody has estimated a fish to be this massive size, and be completely wrong. Lastly what is your excuse to this

"Just came back from the zoo, saw the exhibit while impressive they are no more than 25 or 26". The glass makes them look huge but if you go upstairs and look down, their true size can be easier to estimate."

So, I think I will not believe your word, and go off true FACTS at this stage.
well one person said this. and i thought that 26 inches was your "RECORD" and even this person said clearly there was a 25-26 inche in CAPTIVITY.
I doubt, mel, greenterra, ruck fules, mojo, mel, or any other truly respected keeper here, disagrees with it. I mean mel has the Largest dovii on this forum, and he estimates him to be 22-24'' I believe.

mel said his was 25-26 inches.
1st off, this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=w50CWj8J9iQ
Shows the Dovii and Pacu right Next to eachother.
2ndly the largest pacu ever verified was 38''s. http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/fishing/2010/01/world-record-size-pacu-found-dead-florida
Lastly the site that the picture comes from is
It is by far the most reliable when it comes to records.
The site i used, means this............ VERIFIED, with picture, weight and length all VERIFIED by the world record committee. Not some word of mouth nonsense.
So, once again, the LARGEST WILD Dovii (VERIFIED) is 26'' and 13lbs. Anything else is simply estimates, all you would have to do, is post a fish on a tape measure and a being weighed and you can prove it other wise. But until somebody does, that fish is the LARGEST ever to have lived. At least, the largest ever seen by man.
BTW, the largest pacu was found in Florida, so its feral, I believe, so still not really a true wild specimen. It was 38'' and 53lbs. Needless to say, the pacu in the tank are probably close to 30'' and they dwarf the dovii. Sorry to burst your bubble, but facts are facts.

One thing you dont comprehend very well the site u keep using for reference says 38 was the largest pacu with a picture for fishing not in the world. On the same page the largest size they have recored without a picture is 43 inches. I was the one shooting the video and the pacu and the dovii were never at a good angle to compare size. You are so excited by this fishing website people net fish much larger than the ones fisherman catch. That site has the largest MARBLE GOBY with a picture at 7lbs and i know of fish farms that have had gobys 2-3 times that size that site means nothing unless you are trying to get a world fishing record has nothing to do with the max size of a fish. http://www.fishing-worldrecords.com/scientificname/Parachromis managuensis/show look at the world record jaguar everone here has seen a jag bigger than that one your fishing site means nothing. And for the record i have not once said it was 30 inches i said pushing 30 and i will stand by that because i feel he is at least about 27in but closer to 30 is what i really feel. And i have seen the fish from the top everytime ive been there. ALSO THAT JAG IN THE PIC IS 20 INCHES AND YOU GUYS ARE TRYING TO TELL ME THAT HUGE DOVII IS THE SAME SIZE AS THAT OR 4 INCHES BIGGER.
Don't waste your breath... pckts is so fixated on that website its unreal. Nevermind the same website also quotes bigger but not photographed. He also refuses to accept that anything can be verified unless there is photographic evidence. Obviously absolutely nothing happened before the invention of the camera!?

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I usally don't like getting in these shouting matches but pckts you don't have a clue what you talking about, you keep screming these world records that you found on the internet,a record is just documentation of what has not yet been seen better, so its a strong chance that the day that person got the record for that 26" dovii that there was another fisherman up stream in Costa Rica that caught a 32" dovii but he didn't take pictures or call any body he took it home to feed he's family witch is more important then any record, what that been said if you have not ever own a 20" or bigger cichlid you don't have a clue of what they look like in person so you would be quick to say they are smaller cuz in your head they only get 26" an another thing who cares what them other people think "the names" you threw out you made your self look bad, I don't have a problem with any of them but they are not the only people well respected in this hobby and what they think about fish sure don't change any fact of the fish trade. So agin just my opinion that male dovii is pushing 30"
I doubt, mel, greenterra, ruck fules, mojo, mel, or any other truly respected keeper here, disagrees with it. I mean mel has the Largest dovii on this forum, and he estimates him to be 22-24'' I believe.
Who cares? It's a beast. Let's leave it at that.

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Guys, relax, I'm used to dealing with large things. After looking in my pants and watching the videos, I've come to the conclusion it's def 30 inches. 100%. Fact.

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