Wow I'd like to see pics or video of that tank
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It's worth the trip. They have pimas, sting rays, rtc, niger cats, huge pacus, leperaunus, flag tails, tsn, turtles, ect.
Wow I'd like to see pics or video of that tank
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This is the largest Verfied Wild dovii EVER caught.
It is 26'' and weighs 13lbs
2'' longer and 3lbs heavier than the largest Verified Wild Umbee ever caught.
Just so you guys can scale it, a pacu at its LARGEST will be 3feet. or 36''s and those pacu in there are FAR larger than the dovii. and once again, that is the absolute MAXIMUM for a pacu. So, it is probably safe to say, they are not that large.
First off the site you keep using on these boards is a fishing site and only means these are the largest fish recorded on rod and reel not in the world. Second the site u use says the that the record pacu with a pic is 39 inches and 43 inches with out a pic but verified. Third the pacu and the dovii in that tank were never close enough to really get a size difference and let me tell u the pacu are huge but not as much longer than the dovii as u think, but much more massive in hieght and bulk. Fourth u have no idea how big the pacu are to use as a reference they could be almost 4 feet for all we know. Fifth there have been more than a few pacu recorded arout 3 1/2 feet plus
This is the largest Verfied Wild dovii EVER caught.
It is 26'' and weighs 13lbs
2'' longer and 3lbs heavier than the largest Verified Wild Umbee ever caught.
Just so you guys can scale it, a pacu at its LARGEST will be 3feet. or 36''s and those pacu in there are FAR larger than the dovii. and once again, that is the absolute MAXIMUM for a pacu. So, it is probably safe to say, they are not that large.
Just came back from the zoo, saw the exhibit while impressive they are no more than 25 or 26". The glass makes them look huge but if you go upstairs and look down, their true size can be easier to estimate.
sorry, the national aquarium has a 4 foot pacu. 30 years old. donated... And i'd like to see your sources that say no dovii gets over 26 inches.. i can find 26 inchers by simply searching up "dovii" on youtube. and wild pacu can quit easily get past 3 foot. in fact i am quite sure there ae members on this very site tht have seen pacus over 3 foot.
1st off, this video
Shows the Dovii and Pacu right Next to eachother.
2ndly the largest pacu ever verified was 38''s.
Lastly the site that the picture comes from is
It is by far the most reliable when it comes to records.
The site i used, means this............ VERIFIED, with picture, weight and length all VERIFIED by the world record committee. Not some word of mouth nonsense.
So, once again, the LARGEST WILD Dovii (VERIFIED) is 26'' and 13lbs. Anything else is simply estimates, all you would have to do, is post a fish on a tape measure and a being weighed and you can prove it other wise. But until somebody does, that fish is the LARGEST ever to have lived. At least, the largest ever seen by man.
BTW, the largest pacu was found in Florida, so its feral, I believe, so still not really a true wild specimen. It was 38'' and 53lbs. Needless to say, the pacu in the tank are probably close to 30'' and they dwarf the dovii. Sorry to burst your bubble, but facts are facts.
Verified Pacu record, o and BTW this pacu was not caught, it washed to shore, so probably died of old age. Which is another tell tell sign that they certainly do not get much larger than 36''s.
This is the dovii, I hope you notice the size of the VERFIED dovii compared to the "alleged" record weight and length, which the date is not given. Now if you look at that, you tell me how at 26'' would be 13lbs but a dovii at "allegedly" 32'' would be 31+lbs. That is not how fish work, hence the story of "fish tales", fisherman embellish, it is fact.
So once again, show me PROOF of a 4 ft pacu. You can't, show me PROOF of a dovii larger than 26'' and 13lbs, you cannot.
Sorry bud, but proof is more than words. You must verify it, or else we can say Dovii get to 6 ft long and 200lbs.
why dont you go to the national aquarium. you will see some real facts. i dont care if u believe me though..