4300 Gallon Plywood Build (3600+ Take 2)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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I guess I could have made it all solid and put pipes through the wall like John did. Didn't think it was that big a deal. It's really no different than how VLDesign's plumbing is. Holes through plywood. Well, plywood and hardy board on his.
I think you should re-title the build to "3600 gallon aquarium/hurricane/bomb shelter build" Anyways fantastic build it seems to be moving along quite well. Quite jealous...
Impressive build!

Have you considered using 6x6's to help eat up that stack you're building? It would probably be cheaper too...
Nope, never considered it. Couldn't do what I'm doing with 6x6s anyway. They aren't cheaper and only are available here in pressure treated lumber which I don't care to use inside my home where this build is. 3 8' 2x6 are $12 and an 8' 6x6 is $19.

The way that the overlap on the 2x6s is done is what is giving the build its strength and allows me to tie in the walls. I'm working with what I'm comfortable with too.
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