4300 Gallon Plywood Build (3600+ Take 2)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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brianhellno;3566853; said:
From what I read when others ordered it, it costs about $150 dollars for a 5 gallon batch in America. That's not including shipping.

nolapete;3566941; said:
That's about the same price as Blue Max then. Great!

I just got a quote from them today for 5 gallons of Pond Coat (Liquid Rubber). They said $231 for a 5 gallon bucket, but $45 shipping to Louisville, Ky. That's $276 for 5 gallons shipped to my door. Blue Max seems cheaper to me...
I'm ok with that. That's about the same cost as a pond liner for it. Not bad at all.

Blue Max doesn't have the puncture resistance that I know of, so that's a consideration for the higher price. Worth paying to me.

The quicker cure time is worth it too. Blue Max can take up to 2 weeks. Liquid Rubber is 24-48 hours.
Just went out to the garage to feed the fish. 10 banded leporinus and 6 flagtail prochilodus for the big tank, a lot of festivum, and some G. brasilensis all sharing 75. The prochs are the biggest at about 3-3.5" and the leporinus are maybe 2" tops. Can't wait for them to be super-sized in the big tank.
nolapete;3569534; said:
With Ken coming over to help next week, I'm thinking that we can target November 15th as test fill date. Lots of work to do, but I feel good about it this time.

I will be EXTREMELY impressed if you manage that. ;) Seems ambitious.

Looking forward to the mad progress though Pete. glad to see this coming together.
nolapete;3570202; said:
It is, but if I don't set a target I have nothing to shoot at.

Don't you 'mericans shoot at anything that moves? :p
This looks great Pete. It'll be very impressive if you can fill it on 11-15.

Can't really tell from the pics, but are the sidewalls going to be flush (90 degree angle) with the front where the glass will be mounted or will there be a small step there?
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